Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Media Make Up/ Face Paint

Dictionary Definition: The total ensemble of cosmetics, wigs, costumes,etc. , used by an actor or performer. 

Describing Words:
  • Over the top
  • Natural 
  • Heavy 
  • Colourful
  • Disguising 

This photo matches my brief as it shows media make up and in this specific field it is fashion media make up. The photograph is of a woman's face and only her face, this has been done to draw attention to the changes of her face which is the jewels. By doing this as a portrait picture it makes the jewels more eye catching on her face, not only this but also the shade of her lipstick and the darkness of her eyebrows. All of these stand out against the shade of her skin.

This photo again is for media make up in the field of fashion/make up, most likely for advertisement or magazine covers. I really like the make up on this woman as it is dark against her light complexion. Also her hair is tight back and doesn't cover any of her face, drawing sole attention to her face. This also goes for her skin which is bare, there are no glamorous clothes stealing the attention off of her which I really like.

This photograph is for the field of face paint, I like the face paint that has been done on this image as I think it matches her hair and all the colours blend well together. I also like how again they haven't used clothes on the model as again it does not steal attention form her face paint which is intended to be the focal point of the image. I also like how they have continued the face paint lightly onto her body, making it seem consistent.

In this image very minimal face paint has been used to imitate the character the joker. In this image she is also still painting it on which I like as it displays the transformation. Again the model has no top half of clothing on which keeps the attention on the transformation and the face paint. i love the composition of this photograph as it leaves out here hair. I also love the colours, the shoe image is very subtle excluding the red which breaks the picture up and makes it interesting to look at. 

My definition:  A mixture of cosmetics and prosthetics which can contort an appearance. 

Location Portraiture Image Bank

In this image the sharpest part of the picture is the woman, I like how out of focus the green hills behind are as they seem to blend behind her making one big mass of green. I also like how some of the flowers remain sharp.  I like how this image has been kept natural and unedited as the location of this image is a natural area.

In this image the child is in focus and the grass in the background is out of focus, in this picture it seems like soft focus has also been used. I like how some of the grass is in focus as it allows the audience to know what the blur in the background is. I like the subtle colours in this image as I think it comes across quite natural and doesn't seem over edited.

In this image what is in focus is the woman and the cake she is icing, everything else is out of focus, making the woman and the cake seem like the focal point. The picture has been put in black and white, making the metallic blur in the back come forward in the image slightly, however not stealing the attention of the photograph.

In tis image the girl is in very clear focus and in this background the green is out of focus. As the green of the trees gathers around the woman, her complexion stands out against it which is a very nice touch. The grass below her is also out of focus and i like the colour scheme of this image. Even the clothing she has chosen to wear is very natural and nothing too out there, this fits the theme of natural.

In this image the background is so out of focus that I can't even make it out, however I like this effect as it makes the girl seem much sharper. I also like the composition of this picture, I like how she isn't in the exact centre of the photograph also because this picture doesn't even need rule of thirds to make her the focal point. The location portraiture does that itself.

In this image you can tell it has been edited heavily however I like this because it makes the picture seem magical as little sparks are flying, or at least that is what I see in this picture. I like how the rocks are out of focus in the picture because the are very big, yet the little sparks are so sharp, alongside the boys face as he watches them.

Blurring Image Bank

In this image heavy blurring is used to represent movement. You can see that the movement is very fast and perhaps quite sickly as the speed is taking place on a roundabout. I like this picture because I imagine it is from a child's point of view at which the shot is taken as they are watching their teddy bear spin around.

In this image the blurring displays a form of movement, you can see that the movement is quite swift as the blur circles around her as we assume she is dancing. I like this image because I generally like images of people moving within dance, I also like how you can see her torso as a constant, exaggerating the movement of her skirt and arms.

The blurring in this image shows movement, you can see that his legs are moving at a high speed as you can barely see them. I really dislike this picture because it is very unrealistic, the man is overweight and you cannot even see he is struggling as he moves at the speed he is, which would be difficult for anyone. This picture is ridiculous.

In this image blurring represents movement, you can see that she is moving quite erratically as her hand blur is very prominent and you can see her other hand by her abdomen which shows she has moved very quickly. I like this image because again it is a dance picture because I like how quickly she looks to be moving.

In this image the blurring shows movement and you can see how the 2 front people are moving leisurely, however are still moving in comparison to the other people. I like this image because for me it shows 2 people who are going through people and then 2 people who want to stay behind and relax to it. This photo shows 2 different kinds of people.

In this image blurring shows movement, you can see that both animals are moving at a fast pace however it seems that the mouse is going faster because the whole back of their body is elongated showing his blurred movement more. I like this image as I like how the chase is pictured and the main focus is how the main aspect of the chase is having speed.

Cinco De Mayo Work Diary

In this lesson it was my first personal shoot lesson and I really enjoyed it. As I am doing media make up , and in this particular shoot I used face paint, prior to this shoot it was imperative that I practiced the face paint that I was going to do. By doing this it meant that I could do the face paint with much more ease and quicker than if it was the first time I had done it. Last year I made the mistake of doing a shoot with face paint and I didn't practice beforehand, In the end I did the face paint on the model 3 times where I kept messing it up. Therefore, I made sure to practice this time. I decided to do this shoot in the studio with a bright backdrop as cinch de mayo is a festival in mexico and I was repeating the day of the dead holiday make up. I copied another persons version of face paint which I found on the internet, however I left out some parts as I didn't want to over crowd my models face.

This is my favourite edit from this shoot as I think it looks quite dark and fits in with the theme of cinco de mayo. I edited dark eyeliner around her eyes which turned out successful as it brought out the whites of her eyes, it also fits in with the colour scheme of her face. I also like the composition of this photograph as it allows you to see the backdrop and brings a light of positivity to the image. If I could change something about this photograph it would be a physical matter, I would've made her lips darker, or at least have gone over it as her pink lips are peaking through. Although, in a way I like this because it emphasises the fact that it is merely face paint and this follows closely to the holiday. 

I can't quite make up my mind about the edit of this photograph. I like that it it is wavy as to me it represents 2 souls which could be the models and the soul from the mexican army which fell on the 5th of may, coming out through spirit. I changed the hue to make this picture stand out from the others in this collection and I like this as her eyes still stand out amongst the rest and her eyes blend in with the background even though they are separated. However I am not sure if I like the composition as I feel like there is too much background in the picture, even though the model still remains as the focal element. I think if I was to re shoot the exact image I would move her face in the slightest bit more so her jaw is showing a little bit.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of possible shoots which I could complete in the future, for example I could experiment with face paint a bit more and create more characters through the use of face paint, for example, i could create a skeleton or perhaps well known characters such as the joker or two face. 

Friday, 12 September 2014

Location Portraiture Work Diary

In this lesson  we studied location portraiture, I actually found it very easy to do with my camera. The technique is very simple however little things like positioning of the subject make this technique hard. With incorrect positioning you can lose the depth of field, which you need to maintain. I went out to shoot and when coming back i had to shoot again, make a list of things I could improve on concerning location portraiture and then I had to go out, shoot again and work on those certain things. I felt like this was helpful as it gave me a proper understanding of location portraiture and all the elements needed.

I like this image because I like that the buildings are quite out of focus and amelia seems quite sharp. Also I like her as a model in this field as her eyes seem to be brought out in this image. Also I like how her hair contrasts against the dull background as it is a bright blond. I didn't over edit this image as I thought it was nice enough to leave unedited, I also think it makes it seem more natural as it already has had the location portraiture technique.

I like this image as I like how I have edited, I have satiated the picture and I think this goes nicely with the location portraiture technique. I also think it makes the image look a lot softer. I like the composition of this picture because I like how Amelia looks biggest in the picture making her the focal point of the image, this is a good use of depth of field. In this picture I would of preferred if this wasn't the background and it was more a city scenery to display contemplation, however as a test run this works nicely.

Location Portraiture 2

Location Portraiture

This was my first try at location portirature and I was quite happy with my results. Overall these pictures were the best out of my contact sheets and they are good because the subject is very sharp and the back grounds are out of focus, drawing more attention to the subject. Also there is a visible depth of field. When I next go out to shoot I have to switch to portrait as opposed to landscape  when shooting from above and I have to consider the lighting more so.  

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Multiple Imagery Technique

What is Multiple Imagery?
Multiple Imagery appears in grid form, usually made by 3x3 or 4x4, and is shot of one subject at various angles.

How do I do it?

  1. Pick a subject to shoot 
  2. Take either 9 or 12 pictures of that subject from various angles 
  3. Edit each picture individually, make sure the size of each image is 5.5 width with a resolution of 300, then flatten each image 
  4. Open a new transparent document and rotate the page so it is landscape
  5. Drag each image onto the blank document, joining each picture or leaving gaps and then put them in the order which you desire
  6. Crop the left over blank sides and then flatten the image if you wish to have it as a jpeg, if not, do not flatten 
  7. Lastly change the size of the overall image to 17 width with a resolution of 300

Multiple Imagery Work Diary

In this lesson we shot 2 multiple imagery sequences in the studio and 3 outside. When inside the studio I wanted to explore how multiple imagery looked with a person as the subject so that when it comes to beginning my unit 3 project according to my brief, I would know if I could use it. When outside I shot things related to nature as I liked the idea of shooting them from different zooms and angles to show how different things might see them, for example, a close up of the detail of flower to show how it might appear to a creature such a bee. Overall, once finishing the editing of both my studio and location photos, I found that I really liked the finish product of multiple imagery and that I actually enjoyed the creation of multiple imagery.

In this photo I took pictures of Tina's eyes and nose facing in various different directions, I put these images in an almost chronological order, it seems as if they are following each other. Out of both my location and studio multiple imagery photographs, this is by far my favorite and I put the most effort in this one, turning each picture black and white, then altering each black and white setting also.

In this image I took a picture of a flower bush from various angles, I like this picture because of the ever changing focus on each different image. I decided not to over edit these pictures as the flower bush itself was very beautiful, therefore I just did levels and curves. I put these pictures in a random order as I thought it looked nicer than as opposed to if I put the close ups all in one line and the further away ones in another, and the furthest in another.