In this image heavy blurring is used to represent movement. You can see that the movement is very fast and perhaps quite sickly as the speed is taking place on a roundabout. I like this picture because I imagine it is from a child's point of view at which the shot is taken as they are watching their teddy bear spin around.
In this image the blurring displays a form of movement, you can see that the movement is quite swift as the blur circles around her as we assume she is dancing. I like this image because I generally like images of people moving within dance, I also like how you can see her torso as a constant, exaggerating the movement of her skirt and arms.
In this image blurring represents movement, you can see that she is moving quite erratically as her hand blur is very prominent and you can see her other hand by her abdomen which shows she has moved very quickly. I like this image because again it is a dance picture because I like how quickly she looks to be moving.
In this image the blurring shows movement and you can see how the 2 front people are moving leisurely, however are still moving in comparison to the other people. I like this image because for me it shows 2 people who are going through people and then 2 people who want to stay behind and relax to it. This photo shows 2 different kinds of people.
In this image blurring shows movement, you can see that both animals are moving at a fast pace however it seems that the mouse is going faster because the whole back of their body is elongated showing his blurred movement more. I like this image as I like how the chase is pictured and the main focus is how the main aspect of the chase is having speed.
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