Thursday, 7 August 2014

Multiple Flash Image Bank

In this image a person is seen bending backwards however at all different stages, I really like this picture because it breaks things down and makes you study each different movement, yet still appears so swift and graceful. I like how this has been edited also, I like the slight tinge with the color, it makes it seem as if it is vintage. I dont know quite what the person is doing in this picture however I like that as some things dont need explaining, they just need to emote feeling or thought.

In this image this seems to follow the hindu religion of the woman with many arms and I like the recreation of this and in fact this idea fits well with my project and I may try to recreate this.  I like how they have continued the arms to go all the way round her and I like that they have made them faint as opposed to having them bold, I think it would be too in your face.

I love this dance image and the use of multiple flash image as it shows a dance move in stages, from beginning to end, like a mini story, I also like how you cant depict every detail of the moved as they all overlap, I think that allows the image to remain as a movement in some form. I like how each version of the girl is also faint as that illustrates the speed she was probably going at and brings the image to life in a way.

Cards can be associated with magic and I love in this image how the moving cards and the faintness of them makes it seem like magic. I think this picture is really interesting to look at and is my favorite one from this image bank. The cards look as if they are falling which I really like because I know for a fact that they are not. I also like how the 2 2's are placed next to each other as that also creates an idea of magic.

This picture has a scary feel to it, and that is due to simple factors such as the use of a child instead of an adult model and also the lightness of the faint 3 little boys, the lightness of the boy makes him seem like a ghost, almost jumping forward in positions. The dark and dingy hallway also adds to the eerie feel and I feel this was a well thought out shoot. I like how you can see one big shadow in the back as opposed to 3, you can tell the photographer has considered form as well as multiple flash.

Im not really interested in sport photography and I am also not that interested in this photo however I love the use of multiple flash in this image and how the golf club follows the man the whole way round. It shows a complete action broken down, and the excess of golf clubs almost illustrates the high speed he was most likely going at. I like how this picture has been put in gray scale as it makes her golf clubs stand out in their light grey and almost makes them look a little bit like a shadow.

Multiple Imagery Image Bank

 In this image the multiple imagery shows the same pose being pulled however from different angles, the images have been left faint and overlap each other which as an effect I like and really influences me with my own project. I like the composition of this picture also as there is still a gap in the picture so it doesn't seem like too much is going on in the image, I also like how each different position shown is a different size, so it seems to mold together quite well. Overall, I really like looking at this image, I find it very intriguing.

In this image multiple imagery has not only been shown through each individual picture but also due to the fact it is in a grid. In this picture I love the context, I love how with each body part shown there is forest or river or clouds, they all represent something different to me, or at least in interpret them different. For example, the bottom right to me illustrates day dreaming, and the bottom left is interesting because it is a river which runs along and it is where a vein would be, where blood would flow through. I like how this picture has been put in black and white as I think it is a nice effect as this is a picture which makes me think.

In this image the girls face is replaced with a tree which I like, I also like how there is no background and it is transparent, as this reflects the image which is also transparent. What I have noticed is a running theme with multiple imagery is that they all cause thoughts, well at least for me. This picture represents to me a girl who has an open mind and who is growing as a person, hence the tree. I like how in this image there is still the small detail of the wisp of her hair, I think that is a nice touch.

In this image the multiple imagery almost makes the image seem like a memory and a boy photographing from then and now. The overlapping of backgrounds also adds to the then and now effect, it seems if it had went from a boarded up place to a built up city area. To me this picture is an expression of the quote 'How times of changed'. I like how this picture has been edited to gray scale because to me it creates a mood of nostalgia, and I really like it when a photograph has any mod at all included. 

This picture to me expresses two points of view from the same person at one point, the point of a view musician to be more specific. The picture shows a composer and music notes, these are the only two places a person will look. Now that I am studying this picture it seems that the use of multiple imagery is expressing a dream as the background seems more like a bedroom and that the composer is what she wishes to see as opposed to just her music sheet. This picture expresses a persons goal. 

This picture to me expresses what words cannot write or what a person always seems to read about but cannot be transformed into words ever properly, as a matter of love. Or perhaps this is a persons love story and that is why the people in this image overlap what seems to be pages, however it is the words coming to life. Now I have looked at it more closely I have realized this is just one woman in different positions and this now says to me how a person is engulfed in a story, overall I think this picture can have a lot of meanings to a person individually. I really like this image. 

Minimum Depth of Field - Technique Page

What is Minimum Depth of Field?
Minimum depth of field is a matter of distance within a photograph and how much is sharp and out of focus within an image.

How do I do it?

  1. Pick a subject to shoot and get close to that subject (allow room to zoom) 
  2. Increase the aperture on your camera, however the aperture on your camera will appear as a smaller number
  3. Zoom in on the subject and then take the picture, the background should appear out of focus and the subject should appear very sharp

Sequencing - Technique Page

What is Sequencing?
Sequencing is something that follows something else and often creates a pattern

How do I do it?
  1. First you need to decide what subject you are going to shoot. An example which you could do is class members standing in a line and then taking turns to sit down or turn around.
  2. Once you have decided what you are going to shoot, you need to ensure that your camera remain in the same place and distance from the subject and the only thing changing is the position of the subjects.This is what will determine the effect working or not.
  3. Once you have your desired photographs, upload them to Photoshop
  4. Open a new transparent A4 document in Photoshop
  5. Change the levels and curves to the photograph which you would like to use for you sequence
  6. Then re-size them to ensure they will fit on the A4, however make sure they are all the same size
  7. Now place the photographs on the A4 document starting with the first and ending with the last. It is up to you how you arrange them depending whether the page is landscape or portrait and how many photographs you have.
  8. Once you are happy with the positioning of your photograph, flatten the image.
  9. You are now ready to print. 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Image Within Image Work Diary

I liked doing image within image and I would definitely use it with my project as I feel it fits well with creating a character and I feel is can form a story line with a character, especially the moving image within an image, it is also moving media which enforces the media part more so.

I really like my moving image within an image and surprisingly it was very quick to make once I knew what I was doing. I think I could of been more inventive with what I dropped in and also with the initial picture however this was just me learning how to do the technique. I edited this so it turned black and white and this almost shows the end of the story or if used in the right context (not taking mine as an example) it could show a memory fading. I think this is a very good technque to know for my photography project.

Again, I really like this technique of just a still image and I will use this in my project however again I feel this wasn't very inventive of me and this picture is actually quite boring. I think with the right story to the picture this could contain a lot of mood and feeling to the picture and could again create a character based on this element. I think I could of probably edited this picture to make it better, for example I could of enhanced the flowers in the drop in image to make it stand out more from the other part of the image. All of that aside, I do like this picture.

Minimum Depth Of Field Work Diary

Within this lesson we had to shoot against both man made and natural backgrounds, we also had to stand quite close to the subject we was shooting, which was a model (a different student from the class), whilst they stood away from the background, this made the subject remain sharp and the background slightly out of focus, drawing attention to the subject.

Personally I prefer the natural background as I think it seemed more aesthetically pleasing and
also the models slight smile in the picture made it seem innocent. In the picture with the natural background the sun is shining making the flowers bright and contrast against her hair, I really like this effect and the way it made my picture look. I like how I left this picture virtually unedited as the idea behind this picture is natural, and by leaving it unedited I made it seem more natural than as opposed to if I had used photoshop on it.

With the man made background photograph, I like it however I feel it is a bit boring in comparison to the natural background, however the background which is out of focus and isnt meant to be the point of interest within the photo steals no attention from the subject due to it being boring. However I prefer that the minimum depth of field sharpens a subject and creates a contrast as opposed to the technique being a way to focus attention. Overall I really love this technique and I will definitely use it in my project, the idea I have in mind is for my natural shoot.

Sequence / Animation Work Diary

In this lesson we were instructed first on how to create a sequence physically, due to it being a nice day we were put in groups and sent to shoot outside. The first sequence we were told to do was the one in which an animation would be created, the key to this technique is that you have to keep the camera in the same position and just have a different movement each time. This looks particuarly good if you have a consistent background. The other sequence we had to create was a montage which has the same person in different positions across the image, to create this image in photoshop it is all about layers. In mine I decided to create the word LOL as I felt it was appropriate as it was sunny and everyone was in a good mood. Personally I preferred making the animation as it was interesting to edit and you can change speeds so it can either go slow or fast. I really enjoyed doing sequencing. The thing I found difficult was trying to keep the backgrounds in alignment with the montage, I dont feel my montage looked as good as my animation. I preferred the shooting of this topic as opposed to the editing as the editing for the montage in particular was lengthy and I had to keep re doing it as it kept getting messed up.

Overall I enjoyed creating sequences within my photography work and I will use it in the unit I am about to embark on as I think it will look very good with the brief I have in mind, it may be able to bring media to life.

Close Up and Wide Angle Work Diary

With Close Up we had to zoom in and take a picture of something specific. I feel like my most successful pictures were of flowers, and they were all from different angles. I like the way that with the flowers colours, all the other colours blur around, making the flower in focus seem more significant and like an individual as opposed to like every other. With my close up pictures I decided to keep the editing quite natural as I was shooting natural things, I didnt want to use any black and white filters on photoshop as I felt the flower alone and the use of the close up technique was beautiful enough. I think the only editing I did was of the picture of the pink flower in which I enhanced the colour to make it stand out more, and I prefer the edited version. I found close up very easy to do and I like doing it with natural objects, I dont think I will particularly use this technique within my project however.

With wide angle your camera had to be zoomed out and get closer to the object, the pictures I did of wide angle mostly exaggerated length, for example I took a picture of a lamp post going up right on the pole, at the bottom all you can see is the pole. In these pictures I edited them as I felt the wide angle pictures I took seemed quite lonely as it was just one single solitary thing. I enjoyed shooting wide angle as I felt the technique alone was able to give my picture a mood which I liked as it created a story to my pictures. I like wide angle photographs and I will definitely use this technique within my project as I feel it has the ability to exaggerate something, which the media does, so I will use it in my project of media make up.