Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Close Up and Wide Angle Work Diary

With Close Up we had to zoom in and take a picture of something specific. I feel like my most successful pictures were of flowers, and they were all from different angles. I like the way that with the flowers colours, all the other colours blur around, making the flower in focus seem more significant and like an individual as opposed to like every other. With my close up pictures I decided to keep the editing quite natural as I was shooting natural things, I didnt want to use any black and white filters on photoshop as I felt the flower alone and the use of the close up technique was beautiful enough. I think the only editing I did was of the picture of the pink flower in which I enhanced the colour to make it stand out more, and I prefer the edited version. I found close up very easy to do and I like doing it with natural objects, I dont think I will particularly use this technique within my project however.

With wide angle your camera had to be zoomed out and get closer to the object, the pictures I did of wide angle mostly exaggerated length, for example I took a picture of a lamp post going up right on the pole, at the bottom all you can see is the pole. In these pictures I edited them as I felt the wide angle pictures I took seemed quite lonely as it was just one single solitary thing. I enjoyed shooting wide angle as I felt the technique alone was able to give my picture a mood which I liked as it created a story to my pictures. I like wide angle photographs and I will definitely use this technique within my project as I feel it has the ability to exaggerate something, which the media does, so I will use it in my project of media make up.

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