Thursday, 7 August 2014

Multiple Imagery Image Bank

 In this image the multiple imagery shows the same pose being pulled however from different angles, the images have been left faint and overlap each other which as an effect I like and really influences me with my own project. I like the composition of this picture also as there is still a gap in the picture so it doesn't seem like too much is going on in the image, I also like how each different position shown is a different size, so it seems to mold together quite well. Overall, I really like looking at this image, I find it very intriguing.

In this image multiple imagery has not only been shown through each individual picture but also due to the fact it is in a grid. In this picture I love the context, I love how with each body part shown there is forest or river or clouds, they all represent something different to me, or at least in interpret them different. For example, the bottom right to me illustrates day dreaming, and the bottom left is interesting because it is a river which runs along and it is where a vein would be, where blood would flow through. I like how this picture has been put in black and white as I think it is a nice effect as this is a picture which makes me think.

In this image the girls face is replaced with a tree which I like, I also like how there is no background and it is transparent, as this reflects the image which is also transparent. What I have noticed is a running theme with multiple imagery is that they all cause thoughts, well at least for me. This picture represents to me a girl who has an open mind and who is growing as a person, hence the tree. I like how in this image there is still the small detail of the wisp of her hair, I think that is a nice touch.

In this image the multiple imagery almost makes the image seem like a memory and a boy photographing from then and now. The overlapping of backgrounds also adds to the then and now effect, it seems if it had went from a boarded up place to a built up city area. To me this picture is an expression of the quote 'How times of changed'. I like how this picture has been edited to gray scale because to me it creates a mood of nostalgia, and I really like it when a photograph has any mod at all included. 

This picture to me expresses two points of view from the same person at one point, the point of a view musician to be more specific. The picture shows a composer and music notes, these are the only two places a person will look. Now that I am studying this picture it seems that the use of multiple imagery is expressing a dream as the background seems more like a bedroom and that the composer is what she wishes to see as opposed to just her music sheet. This picture expresses a persons goal. 

This picture to me expresses what words cannot write or what a person always seems to read about but cannot be transformed into words ever properly, as a matter of love. Or perhaps this is a persons love story and that is why the people in this image overlap what seems to be pages, however it is the words coming to life. Now I have looked at it more closely I have realized this is just one woman in different positions and this now says to me how a person is engulfed in a story, overall I think this picture can have a lot of meanings to a person individually. I really like this image. 

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