Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Candid Work Diary

In this shoot I went into Harlow town and took pictures of my two friends just walking around normally as I felt the need to do a natural shoot involving a person in a natural element, like a candid shot. I tried to achieve a very natural feel to these photos which I think I achieved because it is simply of them walking around, or their hands just fiddling with objects like their phones. If I was to do this shoot again I would probably use more people however I think the shoot worked well with just two. What I have learnt with this shoot is that it is very difficult to take pictures whilst walking because I was trying to keep up with my models whilst they were walking, I didn't want to ask them to stop because I feel it would have taken away that natural element. I don't think I would do this shoot again because I feel I have got all out of it that I can. From my last shoot, I haven't improved on location because it is the exact same however in this shoot the location doesn't matter because it is not meant to be staged, it is meant to feel very natural, almost every day like.

This image was taken without the models actually knowing which achieves the natural vibe that I wanted. In this image I used selective colour and I prefer this use of selective colour than the one in my previous shoot 'Exterior' because in this one the selective colour seems a lot more subtle and in this use of selective colour, a meaning is actually held behind it. The use of selective colour in this image shows them as the most important part of the picture and allows them to stand out against everything and everyone else. If I was to do this picture again I think I would do it so that you can see their whole bodies walking as it would of provided a lot more background and more of them to show they are the most important thing within the picture.

With this image I think I successfully made this shoot achieve the project title of beauty, I think this because of how natural this picture is, yet how beautiful it still looks. The models face is smooth yet you can still see all the curves and grooves of his face and of his hands. You can see that he is waiting within this picture and it is just as simple as that and I think the simplicity of this picture makes it very beautiful. I took some saturation out of this picture to make it a lot smoother and less bright, which makes me personally see it as quite a calming picture. What I learnt from taking this picture is not everything beautiful has to be staged and made up, for example, with make up. In a lot of my still shoots I mainly use females however this shoot has taught me to try and use males more as they photograph quite well and their naturalness comes across quite beautiful in its own simple way.

This shoot lead me to think what I could do in other shoots in the future and I think I could do another shoot of candids however in London so the candids are of more than just 2 people. By doing this it would show more of a range of people and a spread of different beauties.

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