Tuesday, 2 December 2014

L.O.V.E Work Diary

In this shoot I decided to do a video. It is very much like my display of the technique however this time, since expanding my project to beauty I decided to make the video longer. This video is linked to my project brief because many say that love is beautiful therefore it fits into my brief. I really enjoyed making this video and I probably wouldn't of it again as I have done the same kind of thing twice, although to improve it I think I could of branched out into different places, this time I simply went to town which is only a 5 minute walk away, I think I should have gone to different locations in London. This shoot has taught me that location does matter as I wasn't completely happy with this video because of the locations and the limited things to do within this location, if I had went to London I could have shot clips of the different locations, which suggests how love travels. I also could of videoed more random people which would have broke up the video a bit more. What I tried to achieve with this shoot was to show the simplicity of love and show that it is the little actions that matter, I think what I achieved to show in this shoot was to show just the little actions of love, not that love is simple and the little actions make everything. I think what helped show the little actions of love was the music that accompanied the video. What I learnt from this shoot is that you can't just go to any old place, the location is very important for the video as I think my video would have turned out a lot better, or at least would have looked better if I had a better location.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of other possible shoots which I could pursue in the future, for example, as I have done 2 videos concerning love and how it is considered beautiful, In the future I could not complete a still photographic shoot of 2 people who are shown to be in love, i would complete this on location.

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