In this topic I experimented with the topic of beauty photography which I think had its positive and negative elements. I found this unit to be quite difficult because I was constantly wondering if what I wanted to shoot would fit in the criteria of beauty photography, which means I struggled with ideas for shoots, and some shoots which I would think of which would be quite artistic, I found too hard to create and I could think of a feasible way to create it. I also feel that this unit has been very long, and has seemed to drag out, making me become very bored very easily. I wouldn't say I am happy with the work I have completed in this unit despite my efforts to try for an A*, I think it is all very mediocre, I have not really enjoyed this unit at all.
What I have liked in this project is my experimentation with face paint and glitter. I liked the fact that it was original and no one else in my class had done it. However despite my enjoyment with the experimentation of face paint I think I should have practiced more as I think the day of the dead face paint could of been more precise, it looked okay however it wasn't completely straight on some points.
I disliked all of the contextual work as I felt it took so long where I was trying to improve it to an A* standard, I also think this effected the concentration of my actual photography work. The thing I disliked the most however was the 3000 word essay, the history part was the hardest as it required a lot of research and it was difficult to keep the times/eras in a consecutive order as I kept finding new things that I felt had to be added into my essay. I found the other paragraphs much easier and they took me a lot less time as they did not require as much extensive research.
I think the technique I have used the most is easily multiple imagery. I used this technique in my last unit however this year it was a lot easier because photoshop got updated and the spaces between each picture became a lot easier to judge. I have also enjoyed the use of video, however only in the particular context of showing things like a home video, for example, when showing the technique of video I made a video based on every day love, which I really enjoyed as it was simple yet original and music could accompany the video. I have also used gifs quite a lot, at the beginning I found them quite difficult to master however 5 months now down the line I feel I can do them with ease.
I found connecting essays the easiest within the entire process of this unit and they took me no time at all because I found them very easy, which meant that I didn't actually mind doing them. I enjoyed the research log as well because it opened my eyes to a lot of different photographers and I was able to see what beauty photographers had done and build some possible inspiration off of their work for my own. What i found the hardest was the 3000 word essay because of reasons which I have mentioned before, I thought the history part of the essay was too prolonged and I found it very hard to research as I wasnt completely sure of what I had to find.
My favourite shoot was easily the shoot where I had glitter all over my face, it was very itchy, hard to get off, and went everywhere, however it is the shoot I am most proud of from this unit because I think it came out very well when the pictures were edited. I wish I had done it again and wore a top which made it seem as if I had no top on so I could have put the glitter on my shoulders so it would have seemed as if it was over all of my body. My least favourite shoot was the shoot where I used a mask, I dont think I decorated the mask that well. I think I should have decorated the mask with more precision so it came across a lot prettier so the message was more appropriate to the shoot. There was a coupe of pictures I like from the shoot however I think it would have been a lot better if decor on the mask had been prettier.
Overall this unit has been very long and therefore quite unenjoyable, if I was to do it again I would organize my time keeping a lot better as I think this is what has made it feel so long, because I left the majority of contextual until the last minute and I have put in a lot of effort with each piece of contextual where I am trying to make it reach such a high standard. I wouldn't do beauty photography again as despite how broad it is, I somehow felt very limited which made me limited for shoot ideas.
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