Friday, 23 January 2015

Sparkle Work Diary

In this shoot I remembered I had glitter still in the studio from when I did my 'Comme Une Etoile' shoot, so I decided it would make a nice shoot to take pictures of glitter in a close up form. With the use of the boom the light reflected off the glitter, showing how shiny it was. I think this made a really nice effect. this shoot was difficult to complete because I wanted to be very close close ups of the glitter, therefore I had the camera in close proximity of the glitter and i had the camera on full zoom, this could make the whole image become out of focus or parts of it. The fact that some parts of the image were out of focus in some of the shots was a nice effect because it would show one lot of glitter very sharp and the rest of it would be out of focus therefore it would make a mixture of colours and would suggest there was a lot more then there actually was. With this shoot I think it would helped if I had more glitter and a bigger space to spread it on because the majority of my difficulty was that I didn't want to get the background of the studio (the actual room) in the image because it would become hard to crop as the glitter would also be at the top of the image as would be the studio. If I got to do this shoot again I would get more colours of glitter so there was a combustion of colours, I would also consider making images with the glitter, for example, a rainbow.

In this image I mixed all the glitter colours together so they were all together and not so segregated. I think this image relates to my project brief of beauty because of the way it sparkles when the light hits against it. In this image I made the glitter take up the entirety of the image, this involved me having to crop it as the background of the studio got in, however by cropping the image became completely glitter, which I think looks better than if there was a backdrop in it. I like the use of colour  in this image as I think it is more aesthetically pleasing to look at and more interesting than if there was just one solid colour.

In this image I had the backdrop partially showing because I was showing the bottles of glitter pouring out, therefore showing it as a mess opposed to it just being clutter. I did not put the entire bottles in as I didn't want them to be the focal point of the image. This image reminds me of how make up spills around and how it can be spread out when a person gets ready, I think it would make a nice image to do a picture of make up very much like this image and to place them next to each other to create a juxtaposition. This image fits my project brief because the glitter still remains to be beautiful despite the fact that it is just a mess, the use of the colour and how they seem to be leaking down due to the bottles , it is just very pretty to look at.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots which I could complete in the future, and due to the shine of glitter, I definitely think I want to work with glitter again. In the future, possible shoots which I could do with glitter, could be things covered in glitter, for example food. I can envision an image of an apple with a bit in it, and excluding the bite, everything else on the apple is covered in glitter. This photo has also made me consider juxtaposition photography for the future, for example an image with a girl with lots of make up on and an image next to it with a girl with no make up on and glasses. I think an image like this would make people consider what beauty actually is. From my last shoot of Cultural Beauty I progressed onto this shoot through the idea of cultural themes, for example, I mentioned within my Cultural Beauty work diary that I wanted to explore indian beauty themes, within this shoot I have used colours of glitter which are associated with indian themes, this shoot also reminds me of the event 'Holi Holiday' in which people of the indian race throw bright coloured powder paint in celebration, the colours of this glitter reminds me of this indian event.

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