Friday, 20 June 2014

Project Brief

For this project we were allowed to chose our own brief so I decided to expand upon my last project in a way. With my last project I dabbled with face paint and found that I was quite good at it, and that also I really enjoyed it as it also involved me becoming more organised with preperation for shoots and I felt my shoots weremore constructed which I enjoyed. However within this project I am not just focusing on face paint but I am focusing on media make up so I wont just recreate characters, but I will focus on other aspects of make up, for example, natural make up, indian wedding inspired make up etc. Also within this project I intend to also use costume to bring a character of the media to life e.g. with indian wedding style make up I hope to also use bindis and saaris. The issue I face with this project is the funding factor however I have found that with face paints you can buy them in bulk for a much cheaper price, also concerning costume, you can buy them on online stores like ebay for a small price. What I will have to be careful of is that all my utensils already arrive in time.

For this brief I havent really researched photographers that influence me because even though I will have to find some during the contextual side of this unit, I am not bothered about being influenced or finding work like mine because it makes my work original.

I think the thing which people may think is that I am focusing too much on the preperation factor as opposed to the actual photography. However I anticipate that with the photos I take and the editing I will do that I will be able to create a character or represent someone in the media. With the images I take I hope not to just display the work I have done concerning face paint as that is not the goal I have intended, I intend to make a character with a setting a mood, their own story, however, I want to fray away from people thinking this is a project on story telling because that was my last project and that is not what this unit is about.
I have had a few ideas on what shoots I will do and I am very excited for all of them:

  • The Joker and Harleyquinn - a shoot which shows them as love interests, both showed in their evil manner. Perhaps a location shoot as opposed to in th studio, maybe the location in the city
  • The Black Swan- a shoot which will show her after she has completely turned crazy (during her show), this shoot will be completed in the studio as I will use form to show her darkness 
  • Two Face- a shoot which will show his two different sides, in the studio as it will keep attention drawn to the face
  • In Detail Tiger- a shoot I anticipate to do on a child as it shows how they hide behind the face of something else so often, a shoot for location, hopefully on streets
  • Day of the Dead- a shoot which I hope to hae a few pepople of for to show it as an event, a shoot I will complete in the studio so I can use an appropriate backdrop that is plain and will draw attention to the detail of their face 
  • Pop Art- a shoot that shows a woman in distress, also displaying popular figures from previous a previous culture, an on location shoot to demonstrate the setting of every day life 
  • Indian Wedding- a shoot which shows a cultural version of a classic event, which demonstrates their traditions concerning the look which they have, a shoot for the studio to capture the essence properly as a location shoot which I can afford wont do it justice 
  • Natural- a shoot which shows a person as a normal person, something which can be bypassed by the media often, this shoot I will do on location in the city and I will make all shoots seem candid to represent the natural vibe 

Im very excited to start this project and I am also happy with the fact that I have a plan, I am glad I have something to stick by and I will think of more ideas a long the way, using the media as an influence as opposed to a personal photographer.

Close Up Image Bank

I like the close up in this image as you can see all the details of the snakes eye, I like how the photographer has also included the scales around the eyes to show that it is a snake. This image almost seems surreal as the detail of the eye looks drawn, however I know that it is actually the eye. This picture is also quite intimidating because it is almost as if the eye is staring you down. I like how the color has been kept in this picture because it enforces that it is a snake as opposed to it being put in a a different filter and the audience of the photo thinking it is an alligator.

In this image the close up is again of an eye however this time it is a human eye, this picture is very intriguing because it has captured what a person cannot notice through looking, the camera has truly captured the unseen, almost acting like a microscope. I have seen a few pictures like this and I really like every single one, I like how the color of the iris molds against the black hole and makes it seem eternal. I like this picture next to the one above also as it shows the difference between human and animal, they are interesting to look at together. 

In this image the close up is of a dogs nose and because the detail is so strong of the texture of the nose, you can imagine what it feels like, slightly scaly yet smooth due to the wetness which you can see from the shine hitting off the nose. I like how one part of the picture is very sharp and as it drifts off into the left, it becomes slightly out of focus, I do not see any deeper meaning to this however I like the effect. I also like how this photo has been left unedited as it is of an animal and animals are a thing of nature and i believe things that are a product should be kept to their natural form or if edited, only edited to an extent where it seems unnoticable. 

I love close up images of flowers and when I did mine they were mainly of flowers, I feel they picture well. I like how you can see them in detail and in a certain light you wouldn't usually see them as they are merely just below you. Also I feel the beauty of a flower is often bypassed and with a technique such as a close up, I feel the beauty of a flower, or even a weed like this dandelion, is truly captured. The close up on this image makes the petal of this weed seem fluffy and pretty and deny it of the fact that it is an ugly party of nature. I love the composition of this photograph and again I love the fact that it has been left unedited. 

 In this image the close up technique allows the audience to see the pattern with a kiwi, I would have preferred in this picture if the green of the kiwi was slightly enhanced, making it jump out a bit more as I feel that would of made it a little less boring to look at. Also I think the close up technique could of been used in a better context within this picture, for example, a few seeds could of been photographed and the texture of the fruit surrounding the fruit could of been captured in the shot as well, I would have preferred that.

I think my favorite topic for close ups is natural things, such as this elephant, a product of nature. Like the image of the dogs nose, from the close up of the elephants skin, I feel like I can feel the texture which is very interesting. The way it has been kept unedited, the color helps imagine what it would feel like, quite rough. From this image you can also see the elephant has eyelashes which I didn't know they had so this is quite interesting for me to look at, I really like this picture. 

Close Up

Wide Angle

Wide Angle Image Bank

In this image the person in the plane is very close up and this creates an exaggerated perspective for the background as the clouds seem smaller than the person which we know as an audience isn't true however it becomes aesthetically pleasing. What I like about this image is that there seems to be no end to the picture because the clouds seem to continue, I also like the curve as to me it represents the earth.

I like this image as the polls on the bridge seem bigger than the cliff in the background and the lines of the bridge seem very continuos and as the depth from the length increases, everything seems to becoming smaller, this exaggerates the depth within the image. I like how deep this picture actually goes as like the picture above it seems like there is no end as if you look in right hand corner, everything seems to continue very small in a distance.

I love the landscape in this image and I think the lines aide exaggerate the perspective of the background and you can see the background becoming smaller and smaller, I really like this effect. The clouds stay in alignment with the lines and continue right down with the depth. I think this picture is really beautiful and it is a picture I would put under the topic of personal reflection as it is a picture you look at and feel at peace.

In this picture the dogs nose is very big and right at the front of the image, this makes the rest of the dog seem very far away, it even makes his eyes look significantly bigger. I like how you can see the whiskers which people don't usually associate with a dog so it is interesting to see, its like the dog is more detailed in the more focused parts, for example, you can see like shapes like snake skin on the dogs nose. I love the use of wide angle in this picture as it makes you see things you may not have before.

I absolutely love the use of wide angle when shooting landscape, it provides a much more distant view into the photograph and produces and infinite vibe to the picture which I really like. I also like the use of wide angle in landscape pictures such as this as I feel it is like a point of view picture, I can see exactly what the photographer saw. I really like this picture, I love the colors and how subtle the picture is, but yet still so beautiful.

I like this picture as the wide angle brings height to the picture, the way the Eiffel tower goes in after each base hits the corner of the photo makes it seem very high (even though we already know it is). This picture makes it feel as if you are really standing looking up at the Eiffel tower. I like how you can see the top of the tower as it seems to pin point the sky and almost cause a reaction of clouds around it. This picture is very interesting to look at.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Focal Length

Exercise 1 

28 mm 



Exercise 2




Minimum Depth Of Field

Minimum Depth Of Field Image Bank

In this image the depth of field as one flower is in focus and the other flowers behind it are out of focus. I like this picture as the flower is really sharp and it looks defined. Also from personal experience I know this flower is very small and I like how it has been focused on as if it is capturing all its beauty which is usually by passed due to its scale.

In this image the leaves are in focus and the others are out of focus. This picture is very much like the first one however in this image I feel like the leaves behind are even more out of focus which I like because it draws more focus to the leaves in focus. The sharpness of leaves is very intriguing and I find it very interesting to look at.

In this picture the people in the background are blurred which is a nice change to just more of the same subject. I like in this picture that the out of focus background is still quite easy to detect what it is, it is very clear it is a person and i like that you can sort of see their features. I think it draws the attention a little bit off the flowers which I like because I think they are ugly.

In this image the snake is in focus and I like the way this image has been composed because as the snakes skin goes on it begins to pull in and out of focus again sue to the depth the body is away from the focus. With the sharpness of the snake you can see the scales clearly which is really interesting to me, I am very much interested in minimum depth of field concerning animals.

In this picture the content is flowers. I see a running them of flowers with the technique of minimum depth of field and personally I think its becoming tedious and predictable, I would like to see something more interesting like more animals or people. However in this picture I like that with the parts out of focus it forms different colors of purple which become softer as they become more blurred.

I like this image as it is something other than flowers even though it is still based on the outside world. This picture reminds me of my first project in photography, lines, The lines are so sharp and defined that all the focus of the picture is drawn to them in this image, and I think this shows the point of the picture very well, I wish I knew this technique when doing line. I like how the sharpness of the picture makes the bench seem as if it is significant, like it is important to the photographer as everything around it is blurred as if it is unimportant.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Image within Image

Image within Image Image Bank

In this image an old photo has been placed in a current situation, this photo to me demonstrates nostalgia, as it is the same place, but times have changed. This is shown through the different colour situations, the picture which has been inputted is significantly lighter like an old photograph. I like in this picture how it has a story, its almost as if the viewers can guess that its a mother holding this, which I like.

 This image is very much like the one above, this picture to me demonstrates nostalgia perhaps to a break up. This is suggested because the picture dropped in is in black and white, as if everything was simpler then, however the one with colour is slightly blurry as if vision is hazy. I like in this picture how the edges match up more, for example, the tree is perfectly lined up.

In this image you can tell the image on the phone has been dropped in because none of the gate is showing. I like this image as I think the colours are really nice and subtle which create a warm vibe for the picture. This picture to me illustrates capturing a moment. I like how the background of what is being captured is out of focus because it draws the attention to the photo on the iphone, which becomes the focal point of the picture. Due to the gate being so sharp I think it has a meaning however I am not sure of what that is.

I really love this photo and I think the technique used creates an expression for this photo. I like how you can see part of the girls face but I also like how you can see the forest as to me this expresses an inner feeling of being lost or having now way out, this photo is quite saddening to me and the black and white makes it seem quite dark and quite dismal, however I like the honesty I feel this picture holds. There also seems to be a stream within her which blends perfectly with her skin that if you just glanced you would think it was her skin. This is one of my favorite photos ive ever seen.
In this picture the girl is swinging out of the frame and this picture to me almost rephrases the saying, think outside the box which I really like, this one to me says step out of your comfort zone. This pictures editing is very pristine however I think a better background could of been used, for example a picture shop filled with frames, almost creating a sense of the world coming to life. I think the grassy background in this photo is boring and dull.

In this image not only has image within image been
used but also selective color has been used, I think it is a really nice effect to put in hand with the image within image. The only thing I don't like about this photo is the editing is a bit shabby as the color falls out of the frame, I think that needs work on, however I really like the concept this photographer was going for. I like the selective color so much in this picture to me because to me it shows season change and how things can go from dull to bright, cold to warm, sad to happy.

Sequence Image Bank

In this picture the sequence has been made in one frame, I like this picture because it shows a timeline of a skateboard trick. The background of a ramp and the sky makes the picture seem more constant and look more professional . I also like how each step is show quite specifically, displaying the different stances and hand techniques, this picture almost seems like a step by step of how to complete the action.
 Again in this picture the sequence has been made in one frame, I think this picture is quite cool because again it also shows a timeline of the action but also because to me it seems like a circuit like if this picture was moving it would keep spinning like a cycle. This picture is very interesting to look at, its very well edited as even the shadows from the body casted by the sun follow the sequence.

I like this image because the sequence represents speed, i also like the colours of the sky because it comes across quite natural. In this image various different people have been used and this is the first time i have seen this, i think it works as it almost creates a sense of unity as it is people coming together to complete one action. I think this pictures landscape is very good as well as it as a landscape that stays the same because the buildings never move, which is really helpful when creating a sequence.

I think this image is quite fun because of the context. This image is also quite consistent and it almost seems if there are many people however i think it is only one person. I like how people are lining up at the top as that adds to the effect that there is a lot of people. Within sequences ive realised a running theme is that they use people so when i complete a sequence i will use people, perhaps it will easier. 

Im this image the sequence isnt in one frame like the others, instead the sequence has been portrayed in multiple imagery, i dont like this as much as the one frame imagery as i dont think it is as aesthetically pleasing. In this photo the sequence doesnt portray action as much which i like, instead it shows evolvement of passion between lovers, i think this picture is just as interesting to look at. This picture doesnt look as professional as the others however, it seems a lot easier to create as well.

In this picture the sequence is showed in multiple imagery as opposed to in one frame. This picture is very simple whih i like because in the other pictures something quite obvious has happened however in this image you have to look carefully to see what is happening, in this image you can see that change has occured as things are moved around. I think the use of multiple imagery in this picture is very important as it demonstrates gradual change, even though i just think the pictures could have just been taken at different angles. I really like this picture, i think the spaces between the pictures also represent gradual change