Friday, 20 June 2014

Close Up Image Bank

I like the close up in this image as you can see all the details of the snakes eye, I like how the photographer has also included the scales around the eyes to show that it is a snake. This image almost seems surreal as the detail of the eye looks drawn, however I know that it is actually the eye. This picture is also quite intimidating because it is almost as if the eye is staring you down. I like how the color has been kept in this picture because it enforces that it is a snake as opposed to it being put in a a different filter and the audience of the photo thinking it is an alligator.

In this image the close up is again of an eye however this time it is a human eye, this picture is very intriguing because it has captured what a person cannot notice through looking, the camera has truly captured the unseen, almost acting like a microscope. I have seen a few pictures like this and I really like every single one, I like how the color of the iris molds against the black hole and makes it seem eternal. I like this picture next to the one above also as it shows the difference between human and animal, they are interesting to look at together. 

In this image the close up is of a dogs nose and because the detail is so strong of the texture of the nose, you can imagine what it feels like, slightly scaly yet smooth due to the wetness which you can see from the shine hitting off the nose. I like how one part of the picture is very sharp and as it drifts off into the left, it becomes slightly out of focus, I do not see any deeper meaning to this however I like the effect. I also like how this photo has been left unedited as it is of an animal and animals are a thing of nature and i believe things that are a product should be kept to their natural form or if edited, only edited to an extent where it seems unnoticable. 

I love close up images of flowers and when I did mine they were mainly of flowers, I feel they picture well. I like how you can see them in detail and in a certain light you wouldn't usually see them as they are merely just below you. Also I feel the beauty of a flower is often bypassed and with a technique such as a close up, I feel the beauty of a flower, or even a weed like this dandelion, is truly captured. The close up on this image makes the petal of this weed seem fluffy and pretty and deny it of the fact that it is an ugly party of nature. I love the composition of this photograph and again I love the fact that it has been left unedited. 

 In this image the close up technique allows the audience to see the pattern with a kiwi, I would have preferred in this picture if the green of the kiwi was slightly enhanced, making it jump out a bit more as I feel that would of made it a little less boring to look at. Also I think the close up technique could of been used in a better context within this picture, for example, a few seeds could of been photographed and the texture of the fruit surrounding the fruit could of been captured in the shot as well, I would have preferred that.

I think my favorite topic for close ups is natural things, such as this elephant, a product of nature. Like the image of the dogs nose, from the close up of the elephants skin, I feel like I can feel the texture which is very interesting. The way it has been kept unedited, the color helps imagine what it would feel like, quite rough. From this image you can also see the elephant has eyelashes which I didn't know they had so this is quite interesting for me to look at, I really like this picture. 

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