Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Minimum Depth Of Field Image Bank

In this image the depth of field as one flower is in focus and the other flowers behind it are out of focus. I like this picture as the flower is really sharp and it looks defined. Also from personal experience I know this flower is very small and I like how it has been focused on as if it is capturing all its beauty which is usually by passed due to its scale.

In this image the leaves are in focus and the others are out of focus. This picture is very much like the first one however in this image I feel like the leaves behind are even more out of focus which I like because it draws more focus to the leaves in focus. The sharpness of leaves is very intriguing and I find it very interesting to look at.

In this picture the people in the background are blurred which is a nice change to just more of the same subject. I like in this picture that the out of focus background is still quite easy to detect what it is, it is very clear it is a person and i like that you can sort of see their features. I think it draws the attention a little bit off the flowers which I like because I think they are ugly.

In this image the snake is in focus and I like the way this image has been composed because as the snakes skin goes on it begins to pull in and out of focus again sue to the depth the body is away from the focus. With the sharpness of the snake you can see the scales clearly which is really interesting to me, I am very much interested in minimum depth of field concerning animals.

In this picture the content is flowers. I see a running them of flowers with the technique of minimum depth of field and personally I think its becoming tedious and predictable, I would like to see something more interesting like more animals or people. However in this picture I like that with the parts out of focus it forms different colors of purple which become softer as they become more blurred.

I like this image as it is something other than flowers even though it is still based on the outside world. This picture reminds me of my first project in photography, lines, The lines are so sharp and defined that all the focus of the picture is drawn to them in this image, and I think this shows the point of the picture very well, I wish I knew this technique when doing line. I like how the sharpness of the picture makes the bench seem as if it is significant, like it is important to the photographer as everything around it is blurred as if it is unimportant.

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