Friday, 13 June 2014

Sequence Image Bank

In this picture the sequence has been made in one frame, I like this picture because it shows a timeline of a skateboard trick. The background of a ramp and the sky makes the picture seem more constant and look more professional . I also like how each step is show quite specifically, displaying the different stances and hand techniques, this picture almost seems like a step by step of how to complete the action.
 Again in this picture the sequence has been made in one frame, I think this picture is quite cool because again it also shows a timeline of the action but also because to me it seems like a circuit like if this picture was moving it would keep spinning like a cycle. This picture is very interesting to look at, its very well edited as even the shadows from the body casted by the sun follow the sequence.

I like this image because the sequence represents speed, i also like the colours of the sky because it comes across quite natural. In this image various different people have been used and this is the first time i have seen this, i think it works as it almost creates a sense of unity as it is people coming together to complete one action. I think this pictures landscape is very good as well as it as a landscape that stays the same because the buildings never move, which is really helpful when creating a sequence.

I think this image is quite fun because of the context. This image is also quite consistent and it almost seems if there are many people however i think it is only one person. I like how people are lining up at the top as that adds to the effect that there is a lot of people. Within sequences ive realised a running theme is that they use people so when i complete a sequence i will use people, perhaps it will easier. 

Im this image the sequence isnt in one frame like the others, instead the sequence has been portrayed in multiple imagery, i dont like this as much as the one frame imagery as i dont think it is as aesthetically pleasing. In this photo the sequence doesnt portray action as much which i like, instead it shows evolvement of passion between lovers, i think this picture is just as interesting to look at. This picture doesnt look as professional as the others however, it seems a lot easier to create as well.

In this picture the sequence is showed in multiple imagery as opposed to in one frame. This picture is very simple whih i like because in the other pictures something quite obvious has happened however in this image you have to look carefully to see what is happening, in this image you can see that change has occured as things are moved around. I think the use of multiple imagery in this picture is very important as it demonstrates gradual change, even though i just think the pictures could have just been taken at different angles. I really like this picture, i think the spaces between the pictures also represent gradual change

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