In this image the person in the plane is very close up and this creates an exaggerated perspective for the background as the clouds seem smaller than the person which we know as an audience isn't true however it becomes aesthetically pleasing. What I like about this image is that there seems to be no end to the picture because the clouds seem to continue, I also like the curve as to me it represents the earth.
I like this image as the polls on the bridge seem bigger than the cliff in the background and the lines of the bridge seem very continuos and as the depth from the length increases, everything seems to becoming smaller, this exaggerates the depth within the image. I like how deep this picture actually goes as like the picture above it seems like there is no end as if you look in right hand corner, everything seems to continue very small in a distance.
I love the landscape in this image and I think the lines aide exaggerate the perspective of the background and you can see the background becoming smaller and smaller, I really like this effect. The clouds stay in alignment with the lines and continue right down with the depth. I think this picture is really beautiful and it is a picture I would put under the topic of personal reflection as it is a picture you look at and feel at peace.
In this picture the dogs nose is very big and right at the front of the image, this makes the rest of the dog seem very far away, it even makes his eyes look significantly bigger. I like how you can see the whiskers which people don't usually associate with a dog so it is interesting to see, its like the dog is more detailed in the more focused parts, for example, you can see like shapes like snake skin on the dogs nose. I love the use of wide angle in this picture as it makes you see things you may not have before.
I absolutely love the use of wide angle when shooting landscape, it provides a much more distant view into the photograph and produces and infinite vibe to the picture which I really like. I also like the use of wide angle in landscape pictures such as this as I feel it is like a point of view picture, I can see exactly what the photographer saw. I really like this picture, I love the colors and how subtle the picture is, but yet still so beautiful.
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