Friday, 7 November 2014

Exterior Work Diary

In this lesson I decided to broaden my project and make beauty link to the beauty of world as well as in people so I went out to shoot and shot pictures of plants/nature close up to highlight their details. What I tried to achieve in this shoot is to broaden my project as i felt very limited with what i could do with my project, therefore with the beauty of the world i stumbled on the nature which surrounds us. What i tried to achieve with this shoot was to focus on close ups to display the details of the plants/leaves to show their beauty from an angle which isn't seen by others usually as nature is often just passed by. I am not very happy with this shoot as I went out to shoot in the college and there wasn't a lot of plants, I feel as if there wasn't enough nature beauty to shoot which made me feel as if I didn't achieve the full potential standard of the shoot, therefore I have decided that I will go out to a secret garden kind of area in London where it will be filled with plants and trees. This shoot was almost like a trial run, and I am glad I did it because even though there wasn't a lot to shoot, the images I did shoot I am very happy with. However the use of this trial has taught me to be able to achieve the beauty project title for a nature setting that I need to choose the correct nature setting, filled with nature otherwise I am hit with the difficulty of not having a lot to shoot and therefore limited photos which I can use.

In this image I found a dark red leaf, I picked it up and placed it on the wall, shooting it downwards. This produced a limited depth of field which can be seen as the leaf is very sharp whereas the background is out of focus. I tried to achieve the out of focus element as I thought it would highlight the details of the leaf, which shows what others cannot see. This shows the different hints of colours in the leaves and I think this is very beautiful which achieves my aim to create batty photography. When it came to editing i turned the levels up producing a brighter red for the leaf, I preferred it like this as it makes the image more eye catching. This is my favourite picture from the shoot. This image has taught me that when I plan to do my next shoot in a secret garden, I would use a green background as it would enforce nature beauty as opposed to the brick wall which is in the background which sort of ruins the natural beauty element, and slightly fails me achieving the complete beauty idea.

In this image I took a picture of the flower in close up and it came out quite sharp where as the rest was out of focus. I liked the image in its natural form however I felt it was quite boring and needed something else needed to it. As I felt like this I decided to edit the picture using selective colour, I turned the image black and white and used the rubber tool and carefully rubbed out the black and white of the flower. I like this effect on this image as the flower itself is cream and it doesn't crash against the black and white too harshly. What I tried to achieve with this picture was to make the flower stand out against the plants which I think I achieved through selective colour.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots which I can complete in the future, I could do a shoot of more exciting flowers, or a serene environment in general so I could take a picture of a complete landscape. By going to a place such as a secret garden I could photograph a range of different flowers in one area which could suggest how there is more then one version of beauty.

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