In this image I created gif which shows the image going black and white to colour every 0.1 seconds, however i used selective colour on the black and white layer to make it stand out and show a consistent. In this image I tried to achieve the meaning that people fade however money always stays. I personally think that the speed may be too quick for this gif and it comes across as flashing lights too much. In this picture I think I achieved good editing skills due t the fact I used both selective colour and animation, I also think it works quite well together as it displays a constant other than the model is in the same position. I think what I could of done next, or to improve this photo I could of had flipped the image in the animation and still continued to use the selective colour to represent the money being the constant colour as the only constant in the image as it would have enforced the meaning that I tried to achieve, that money is forever and people fade.
In this image i took one picture and flipped it so it had two of the same image. I was trying to acheive the idea of having two identities due to the model representing a gold diggers, therefore she has who she is (money grabbing), and who she acts like to her boyfriend/ husband. I think if I was to do this again I would make the second image which has been flipped a different side of her to show what she is like in her second identity. What I don't like about this image is the shadows meet in the middle and I think it makes it look really edited, which it is, however i very much dislike it. However the shadow meeting int he middle has taught me to take more care of the lighting when in the studio to ensure that I don't get any shadows.
I don't think I achieved my project title for this shoot as i don't think it was glamorous enough to enforce the message that I wanted, which is that she is a gold digger because I think she looks to casual. I also think the background should have been darker to enforce the message I wanted and to suggest that she has a dark personality. I think the idea of which I had achieves my project title however I don't think the way I presented this seems in relation to my project title.
By doing this shoot it gave me ideas for future shoots, for example, i thought in a future shoot that perhaps I could do this again however with more money, like I have already mentioned. However it has also made me think of another shoot which is of materialistic things which many people think you need to make you beautiful.
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