Steve Kraitt is a fashion and beauty photographer based in London and specialises in the photography fields of advertising, commercial, editorial and conceptual. Steve Kraitt created a quote to explain his work an photography in general; "I always believe a good photograph is like a good joke. If you have to explain it, it just isn't that good". I have chosen to use this photographer because I like how he ventures into beauty, fashion and commercial portfolios on his website and although they are quite similar, I find that they also differentiate. I like that he also does a lot of close ups which allows the texture of the make up or design of the face to be noticeable. I also like how he focuses on the mouth and uses different props as it shows it in different positions.
In this picture Kraitt has made it quite symmetrical in the sense that the nose is centred and with each side of the face the same amount is shown. I really like this effect. I like the content of this image as the way he has edited Yves Saint Laurent on the pill suggests that fashion is a drug. I like how he has used a bright lipstick against a pale face with a black back drop (which you can only see slightly) as it makes the lipstick stand out more which is the purpose of the photo as it is beauty photography.
This image has influenced me to consider text in a photo how ever in a less blatant approach, meaning it doesn't have to be large font, it could be something small but noticable and have a hidden meaning. This photo has influenced me to also to make my photographs more centrally reserved to produce a focal point.
In this image Kraitt has focused on colour and making it similar, the reds from the backdrop, lips, strawberry and nails all go against her pale skin very nice, making her skin stand out more. I like how the picture stops at her nose because her eyes don't steal away the attention from the similar colours which i see as a running, main theme within this picture. This picture can come across quite sexy however I don't think it is meant to be because she doesn't actually have any boobs showing or anything explicit, i think the lack of clothes just expresses simplicity.
This picture has influenced me to consider colour and to use similar colours to make them a theme, after all cloud is quite important with make up as it is all about standing out or coinciding. This photo has also influenced me to be more broad with different colour backdrops I am usually partial to sticking with white, this picture has brought the thought to me that a backdrop can make a cube of an image, this one i think is indulgent.
In this photo Kraitt has done a close up of lips which shows a womans lips with re lipsticks and letters stuck to her lips spelling how love. I really like this image as it is almost contrast, the word love suggests love and how lips are used for love e.g. to kiss, however the use of the tongue is quite sexy and suggests lust, two things that are considered to be very different, i feel the image is a question and suggests both, asking the audience what they think it is. The use of a pale model allows the lips to stick out and it is almost as if they are simply against a blank background without flaw which I really like.
This photo has influenced me to use close ups of certain parts of the face which shows the use of make up. This photo has also influenced me to lettering exactly like this photographer has because it produces a really nice end product and I think it is a really nice idea, I am also influenced to raise questions within my photography work which makes my audience think and reflect.
In this image Kraitt has done a close up of a closed eye showing the extent of the make up. I like how the close up allows the audience to see the different textures, for example the make up on the actual eyelid looks like liquid, just below the eye the make up looks like powder that has been blown onto the eye. I like how the eye is closed as opposed to open as I feel the pupils would steal attention from the textures which I see as the main theme. I like how this image seems quite symmetrical, because I imagine you could flip this image and it would seem to make a face.
This picture has influenced me to consider textures when shooting beauty as it is also quite beautiful to look at therefore it fits in the field area of beauty photography. This photo has also influenced to round my pictures off perfectly, for example, taking a photo in a very precise place that means it doesn't need cropping in the end.
Overall I really like this photographers work and I really enjoy his use of close ups because i think it highlights the make up in that certain area. I think he is very similar in all his work, and within this photographers fashion work he can actually be quite explicit, however I quite like it as to me it represents nakedness of the min and simplicity. I also enjoy the smoothness this photographer has worked on, everything comes across as very perfect and in place even if it is paint smeared across a face, it still looks like it is in the right place.
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