Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Mid Project Review

In class we were to show a powerpoint of out top 15 pieces so far, one by one we were told to give positive feedback and then negative after having explained our project. The negative feedback wasn't necessarily negative however it was suggestions of where we could next with our project. My feedback was as follows:

Style as influence
By this what was meant is to explore different styles within beauty, styles that may not be publicised but styles that we come across every day, for example, a goth. If I was to complete this shoot I would spray someones hair black, use make up that makes them come across paler, use dark eyeliners, eyeshadows and lipstick to emphasise their style. I would also dress them in dark colours, preferably black so their style is instantly recognisable. I think I would like to do this with various styles and then once I have completed a few I could create a grid (multiple imagery) with all different styles, I could even do all the styles in one shoot so that it doesn't take days of time.

By this what is meant is I could take pictures of the city of London as it is considered to be a very beautiful place, one of the most beautiful in the world. A suggestion for a couple of shots I could complete within London was to keep the background the same (making sure it is evident that I am in London) and blur the people, this would suggest the rush of the city and that people come and go but London is still as beautiful as ever.

Contrast beauty and natural beauty
By this what is meant is to place someone who wears no make up next to someone who wears a lot of people, but both must still come across as beautiful, this would show that there are different types of beautiful. I could use multiple imagery to emphasise this to show many different types of beauty. I could even create a slow animation showing the face of natural beauty turning into a face of beauty with the use of cosmetics, this would almost suggest a transformation. I think this would be very difficult but the end product could be very good.

Flowers in their natural life cycle
By this what is meant is to show flowers when they are alive, to then show what the harsh winter months do to them. I would have to do this by purchasing alive flowers and placing them outside and then photographing the flowers which are outside now and which are dying. I think this would look good in an animation however if I was to complete this through animation I would do it through the use of one flower, therefore I would buy a flower and leave it outside and I would take pictures of it daily. It would be very difficult as I would have to get the exact same angle every day. To overcome this I could do the exact same idea however instead of using animation I could use multiple imagery.

By this what is meant is to photograph things which are decaying, to show the opposite of beauty and contrast against my own project title. I think this would be a really good idea and would really out a twist in my project, also I think the shoot itself would stand out against my other work. I could photograph decaying food or even decayed teeth as that really is a contrast of beauty of a person.

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