Friday, 7 November 2014

Mid Project Evaluation

For my project, when I started I decided to do media makeup photography, however since starting this I found this quite laminating, as every single shoot must be completed in the studio and a model must be used. I have completed one shoot in total where a model has been used. Due to this issue I decided I had to broaden my project and therefore slightly chafe the brief, I have now changed it to beauty photography. To be able to shoot on location more so, I have decided to create my own meaning for beauty. This is what people consider beauty to be, what people think is beautiful (which can be landscapes and settings), and a contrast of beauty which could be a destruction of beauty (how weather can destroy beauty) and or what is beautiful but not often perceived as beautiful. I will also try to incorporate different images of beauty, this meaning different styles which exist and are considered beautiful by different groups of people.

In this project i have really enjoyed having the freedom to go anywhere with my ideas, for example, I did a shoot in which I had glitter covered over my face and it was very indifferent. It was quite easy to construct this shoot and I like self portraits however I think if I had a model the pictures would have been better as I could of used the technique of multiple flash. I  have also really liked using the technique of multiple imagery as I think because it displays more than one image it produces more thought and gains more of an audience as there is more to look at. The only difficulty I face with multiple imagery is that I find it hard to get the backgrounds the same colour for every image if it is a white background, with blackout is a lot easier.

I think what I have had the most difficulty with this entire project so far is keeping up with the work load, I constantly feel as if I am having to catch up, however I feel this is with the contextual more as opposed to the shoots, even though I had fallen behind with them at one point. I will improve on this by putting more effort into my contextual work out of college hours. I think I have improved with the editing of my work and i feel like I take a lot more care with it this year as opposed to last year, i feel as if I am more precise with editing such as selective colour. I have also learnt a lot more this year e.g. animation, this can take quite a while however I feel this year that this year I make more time to edit.

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