Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Cosmetical Work Diary

In this lesson I did a shoot of makeup cosmetics as it is heavily associated with makeup photography, because without it there would be no field of makeup photography. I used a boom light over the top of a white backdrop as it illuminated the backdrop nicely. I didn't bring in all my makeup, I just brought in the cosmetics which are used daily and which are nice coloured. I really liked this shoot and i think I came out with some really good straight images. This shoot also allowed me to again use techniques which I have studied with the class, for example, multiple imagery and animation. I found animation was the most time consuming however the most interesting and aesthetically pleasing to look at. I found that some of the images, like one of my ones using blusher and a brush, was very soft and looked subtle, which demonstrates the texture of the brush and the feeling the powder leaves on your face. Editing took me a long time with this shoot however I felt it was worth it. In this shoot I tried to achieve to show the products of beauty and what people think we need to be beautiful, and showing beauty in more of a literal way. I think I achieved this as I took multiple pictures of the make up separately and together and I think it worked really well.

 photo makeup-animation_zpstjrv2nw4.gif
In this image I used my eyeshadow palette as the subject of the picture, In this image the initial image has been cropped as it was too big and the animation of the changing colours were very small which I didn't like. I like how I have made the animation of the changing colours on different shades of pink as opposed to choosing random different shades, I think the animation shows progression of colour which I really like. it seems to get brighter and brighter as the animation continues. I drained all the colour from the rest of the image to make the animation of colour stand out more, which makes it the focal point of the picture. If I was to not drain the colour the animation wouldn't even be noticeable. If I was to do this shoot again, or simply edit this again I think I would make the colours flash up scattered as the audience wouldn't know where the next one was coming from, which would draw more attention to the image. What doing this image has taught me is to not be so organised it beauty isn't always organised, e.g. being natural.

In this image I have put 9 pictures of various cosmetics into one image, making the technique of multiple imagery. When using a white background it is very difficult when doing levels and curves to make the backgrounds all the same colour for the grid, and in this picture it is evident that they are not all the same colour background however despite this fact I still really like this image. I like how the middle picture has no background in it and it works as a very nice centre piece. This didn't take me very long to do because I have done this a lot now so I feel it is very easy now. If I was to edit this image again I would put the images in a different order because I am not happy with the way I have two pallets next to each other as I don't think it has the scattered vibe that I wanted it to have. Looking at this photo it has taught me that I have to be more careful with the editing as I am not happy with the different shades of background as it doesn't produce a constant and to me its suggest imperfection which I suppose could be related to my project title however due to the fact that this shoot was on make up, I don't think any imperfection within the picture suggests the message for my shoot. 

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots I can do in the future, for example, I could do a shoot of more make up to explain how make up is used in mass by the youth of todays girls to achieve an image of beauty. I could also use a model in this shoot as I could show a young girl to be holding two big handfuls of make up, I could also make her look vulnerable to show how she is almost a victim to the suggested image of beauty. 

Cosmetical shoot

 photo makeup-animation_zpstjrv2nw4.gif

Friday, 24 October 2014

Video Work Diary

In this lesson we had to make a video of anything just to demonstrate that we could do it, the only criteria being that it should be arty. I really like creating this video I thought it was really fun, I used a friend and made it sort of a montage for a song. I enjoyed the editing as the most part because I like watching it all come together. I think video and photography is very similar in the sense that you shoot and then edit, however it is also similar in the sense that they create stories, which i like. The video shows the story in more of a normal way, conventional way and it comes across more obvious to the audience. I would definitely use video in my personal project.

In this video the filming was not scripted, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I like this as it comes across more natural as opposed to if I had staged the whole thing. I like the style of this video as it is like a bunch of home videos put together that work well together and show happiness. The use of the song in the background worked really well in the video as it fit with the mood of the video, I based my idea for the video around the song. Editing was very easy with the use of premiere pro, I could easily cut bits of clips out, I could put in effects which made the video flow from shot to shot a lot better, I could attach the music which assists the video, etc. I found premiere pro very easy to use, even though I have used it before and I know what I'm doing, I think its very good.


Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Multiple Exposure Image Bank

In this image multiple exposure has to put a location in someones face, to me this photo says that he is hiding from that place and this is due to the use of sunglasses (which hide your face), ad the use of black and white which brings quite a depressing vibe to the photograph. Elaborating on the idea of the sunglasses, the sunglasses hide his face which is covered by the location which is why I thought that he is hiding from the location. I like how his face is centred as it makes him the focal point of the photograph, which makes the trees and river also the focal point as they meet in the centre of his face.

In this picture the use of multiple exposure shows a sequence, the man and woman standing by each other, then following with a kiss. However this use of multiple exposure could express desire, this is because the part of them kissing is faint compared to the other part, suggest it is what both of them are thinking. The use of black and white makes this photo seem quite deep because that is the effect it has on me.

In this image multiple exposure has been used to put trees in a girls face twice over which I like, I like the colour in this image as it brings a very natural vibe to the photograph.  This photo to me suggest that her head is very busy and she has a lot on her mind because the forest part of this image is very clear, which enforces this idea more so. I like how beside the her face which is facing sideways it is white because this keeps the attention to the main part of the image, however i feel the image needed that bit of breaking up.

In this image the sea is more prominent than the girl concerning the multiple exposure and this to me suggest nostalgia and how she wishes she was there. Or it suggests that this is a memory for the person that is taking the picture and that it is their memory, and perhaps it is an old flame they never quite let go of. I like how the faintness of the girl also could be light hitting her head like sun and that is how both compare.

In this image the multiple exposure enforces the saying "music in, world out". This photograph reminds me of this because around the headphones the city becomes fainter and fainter. I like how the city is in colour in the boys head as it lets the viewers know what it is exactly. I think this picture has been toned down a bit and i like this it produces a sundown vibe which I think is really nice.

In this image the little boys head becomes a construction site and this reminds me of the idea of growing up as a construction site grows up and develops, which could be in relation to his brain. The little boy seems quite upset in this picture which suggest as his feelings and knowledge broadens, he is not happy with what he is learning about the world or his life. This is enforced through the use of black and white and the depressing vibe it brings to the photo.

Slow Sync Technique Page

What is Slow Sync?
Slow Sync is when you have a sharp image however blurring surrounds it, often from previous movement.

How do I do it?

  1. Use the black backdrop
  2. Set up the red head behind a polystyrene board as the light is very bright and will be too bright
  3. Also set up a polystyrene board in the direction of the camera so the light does not obstruct it
  4. Get the model to stand in front of the camera and do a movement
  5. Change the shutter speed to a long shutter speed (which will appear as a small number) and put the white balance on
  6. Set the camera to rear curtain sync
  7. Take a light reading to make sure the light is balanced
  8. Take your photograph

Print Techniques

Image Within Image:


Image and Text:


Selective Colour: 






Multiple Flash Technique Page

What is Multiple Flash?
When you have more than one image within one image.

How do I do it?
  1. Set up a studio light however use a polystyrene board to block this light
  2. Set the shutter speed to bulb on the camera
  3. Hold down the shutter of the camera and click the flash for every time the model moves
  4. Once you feel you have enough images within one image release your finger off the shutter

Sebastian Paszek - Photographer 3

Sebastian Paszek is a fashion photographer originally from Poland. When Paszek was in Poland he was a commercial photographer, however he found himself to be fascinated with fashion photography, with this fascination he moved to London to practice fashion photography, which he then begun to incorporate beauty photography. He now permanently lives in London and owns his own studio in order to continue to practice and create his work. I picked this photographer because I feel that his work is something I could use to influence my work and something I could build ideas off of.

 In this picture Sebastian Paszek has used both make up and props to create this beauty photography. I like the way that the flowers colours matches the lip gloss colour, and the back drop also seems the same colour as it creates a running them of colour. I like how makeup has also been used to create a smoothness on the face making it seem like subtle beauty, how a flower is. I like the arrangement of this image and how the back drop is shown as it displays another colour that matches.

This image has influenced me to consider matching colour for a shoot to produce a nice effect which can show consideration for shoots. This image has also influenced me to consider coinciding colours as I think they work really nice together and seem very precise.

 In this picture Paszek has used make up and media make up to produce a tie around the mouth which seems to be quite life like. I like how the backdrop is white and the model is quite fair as it makes the black paint on her face stand out that much more. I also like how part of her face is not shown as it agains draws more attention to the paint on her face. I like the detail of the paint and how it is so detailed that it looks real.

This photo has influenced me to take more detail in my personal project as I now know it can come across very realistic. This photo has also influenced me to think more outside of the box and not to just copy face paint that has already been done, and to in fact inver my own like this photographer has.

In this image Paszek has done what seems to be spray painted a face so it comes across glittery and them has added glitter to lips in a different shade, I think these shades work really well together as it breaks the image up because there is a lot of dark colouring. This also goes for the silver accessory, it breaks the picture up making it less monotone. The black back drop also makes the silver stand out as it hits against it.

This photo has influenced me to consider colours that bring each other out in my project to make the picture as a whole stand out. This photo has also influenced me to consider materials on the face to make things stand out or a colour to stand out as I think it creates a nice texture and breaks up the image in more of an obvious way as opposed to just colour.

In this image Paszek has used the idea of peeling off the skin and I really like this idea and i had thought about it before I even saw this image. I like the use of the white background as to me it symbolises purity, which is enforced through the peeling back of skin. You can also see that it is someone else's hand peeling off the skin which to me says how someone else can uncover you and find out the real you, demonstrating intimacy.

This picture has influenced me to consider a deeper meaning to my photographs to produce a better photo that can create questions for its audience. This picture has also influence me to use males within my project as never before have I used men and I think they can break up the project a bit and bring a bit of contrast as beauty is often just associated with women.

Overall I really like this photographer because I think he uses quite outlandish and different ideas which I think could influence me in my own work or in some form I could try and form my own version of his shoots, changing it slightly. I also think this photographer has very broad ideas which is quite good as many photographers stick to one project and all their work is very similar, however this photographers work is cry different within every shoot.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Slow Sync Image Bank

In this image the slow sync is very evident, the man remains sharp whilst the background is heavily blurred because of his movement, this is a very good demonstration of slow sync. I think this photo could of used more thought as it is very simple however it is still a good image to show slow sync.

I really like this image and I think it is a very good demonstration of slow sync. I like how this picture isn't just random but it shows a movement, the arm and card remains sharp whilst the blur following shows the movement. I like how this image has been put in black and white as it follows the same colors as the suit of card.

In this image slow sync is shown through a fair ground ride which I like as the slow sync shows how fast the ride is going, the people remain sharp whilst the lights blur around them and I think this is a really nice effect as I like the blend of colors. I like how this image is also taken from below I think it is different.

In this image the slow sync is shown through the subject of a car, however the image isnt as sharp is one aspect in comparison to other pictures, however its not so blurred that you cannot see what the subject of the image is. I like the mixture of colors in the blur and i like how smooth the blurring makes the picture look.

In this image the slow sync shows a fish swiming in an ocean, I like how the fish and the ocean are the same color and I dont know if this is just coincidence or through the use of slow sync. This image is like the first image in this bank, however I prefer this one as I think it is more aesthetically pleasing. The blurring and the background in this image to me suggests the fast speed the fish is going.

This image is very interesting as one part of the bird is very sharp whereas other parts are blurred demonstrating the speed of the wings as the bird tries to gain flight. I like how the wings seem transparent as they move. I like the use of the black background as it makes the white of the doves/seagulls wings and sharp body stand out.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Masked Work Diary

In this shoot I bought a plain mask with paint and designed it as I wished, I started off just doing flowers and vines, connoting to natural, however in the end I begun yo splash it with colour. I had a deep meaning behind this shoot which is how people use make up for a mask, however this is a literal approach. I found that the mask made my model not look anything like herself which I rely liked as it explained the effect make up can have. What I tried to achieve in this shoot was to send a message that people use make up as a mask to cover who they really are, and as a boost for self esteem. I don't think everyone will understand this however I think some will. What I learnt with this shoot is that I have to take more time planning, for example I wasn't too happy with the shots which I done in this shoot, I found that I ran out of ideas of what to shoot very quickly, therefore I needed to think about it more before going into the studio and wasting mine and my models time. What I would do next after this shoot is learn from my mistakes and to plan ahead of time.

In this image the narrative is almost that the model has given up with having a mask, however it is almost like a white flag from the composition of the photo as she hangs onto it loosely by her legs. I like how the white mask contrasts against the black of her bottoms as it makes it stand out and even though it isn't particularly in the rule of thirds , it is still the focal point of the picture. What I tried to achieve with this image is perceive the message that beauty isn't everything and it is okay to drop your mask, I think I achieved this as I showed this in quite a literal attempt.

In this image I edited this picture so it had selective colour, I kept the majority of the picture black and white and the put the mask in colour, this suggest that this is what brings her to life and I like this narrative. Also it almost acts as if we colour our face with make up which I like. I like the intention of selective colour in this image however I am quite unhappy with the result as the white mask seems to be off white because I have drained every other colour from this image. What I have learnt from this image is to discard anything I am to happy with because it will just annoy me.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots which I could complete in the future, for example I could do a shoot of a clear face mask being peeled off (with close ups of the mask slightly peeling off of the face) as this would suggest more of a growing into your own skin kind of shoot as opposed to a physical mask.

Electronic Portfolio 1

Multiple Exposure Work Diary

I found multiple exposure a very nice technique and very easy once you have the settings of your camera all set up. i like that you can use as many images as wished however I prefer it with just two as with more than 2 and an incorrect composition of subject I feel it can become too much. I prefer doing multiple exposure with a model and a subject as I think it blends better as opposed to 2 subjects or 2 models. 

In this image I have took a picture of Amber and then of a flower bush and I personally think it contrasts over her face very nicely. The bushes prickles are very faint on her face however almost seem to create a pattern on them which is very intriguing to look at. I also like the cluster of pink which is a flower which covers her hair as it adds more colour to the photo. I didn't edit this photo very much as I liked the idea of keeping it natural. 

In this image I decided to experiment with using 3 images in one image and i think it worked quite nicely purely because of the idea. I simply took 3 pictures of Amber looking in different directions and they all overlapped each other making a nice effect. In this photo I edited it so it was black and white and I feel like this brought a deep feel to the image as to me as an photo it suggest three different personalties in one person or perhaps not knowing which direction to go in, therefore indecisiveness. 

Slow Sync Work Diary

In this shoot we studied the technique of slow sync which involved us using a studio light, a red head and a blocker to block the light falling on the background and any flare that could hit the camera lens. With this technique blurring is produced alongside a still image and it creates quite a cool effect. i really enjoyed this technique and it seems a lot easier when you are doing it as opposed to it being explained, i think it would make a really nice effect in perhaps a dance shoot, therefore I will do a shoot of the black swan and use this technique within it.

This is my favourite picture form the shoot as it shows Amelia spinning however her arm is very constant and it almost looks as if she is dragging her blur behind her with the positioning of her hand. I also didn't over edit these pictures as I like the distorted colour. I feel like the blur kind of looks like a flame and I think this looks really cool as she pulls it across.

I like this image as it almost looks like two faces with the blur and with the sharp image of her. I put this picture in this work diary because I thought it was a good example of slow sync as Amelia looks very sharp in one instant and very blurred in another. I like how black the back drop looks as it makes the flame orange blur stand out against it. I also like the composition of this image and that she is not central, i just think it is a nice effect and change.

Multiple Exposure

Studio Blurring

Slow Sync