1) In this image the make up is heavy and the picture has been put in black and white, I like this technique for this certain image as it defines her face more so and makes the eyeliner more prominent. I also like how the light hits in this photo so the way that the photographer has positioned the model.
2) I like the form in this image as it hits around the eye sockets and looks like make up. I also like the shadow that forms off the eyelashes as it makes them look bigger than what they are, this also goes for the lips. I like how everything looks bigger than what it is as it makes it more eye catching.
3) I like how in this image the model seems like a character and this is shown through cosmetics and materials used for cosmetics e.g. diamantes. I like that the photographer has made this a portrait as it draws more attention to her cosmetics, which is the focus of my project, media make up.
4) I like in this image how the photographer has put the portrait to the side as opposed to having it the right way up, this is something so simple, yet I don't see it a lot and I quite like it. I also like the use of colour in this image, I like how the bright purple clashes against the paleness of her skin (which has also been done by the use of cosmetics).
5) I like how this picture has been taken, only capturing half of her face and that it is quite close up as it captures the make up so much more, you can see the detail in a clearer way. You can also see the contours and how they define a lot better. I love the multiple colour used in this picture.
6) In this image the photographer has used multiple flash to create an effect that there is 3 people there, however it is the same person and you can see them pulling different poses. This isn't an editing technique but a camera technique. I like how the colour then spreads across because the initial image has expanded into 3.
7) In this image the photographer has recreated the character of the joker and I love this because it makes a story in the photography. the photographer has also used costume and props to emphasise this. I also like how the back drop is dark as it foreshadows the character and lets the audience know he is evil.
8) I like in this image how the photographer has made the background quite dark which blends in with her costume, making the models skin stand out and her make up, which even though is heavier than none at all, still has an element of being natural. I also like how the model is centralised in this picture, making her face the focal point of the image as it stands out.
9) I love the use of colour in this photograph as it is a constant and the photographer has used an object which breaks it up, even though it is the same colour. I like how the photographer has used a model of pale complexion as it makes her stand out against all things yellow.
10) Like the photo above, I like how this photographer has used colour as a constant in this image and it doesn't even seem to range from different shades, to the naked eye it seems like they are all the exact same colour. I also again think that this looks good against the models complexion.
11) I like how this picture is in black and white, not through editing but through creation. This image is almost an illusion which I like as it seems like the photographer has tried to create two faces on one face. I like the backdrop being black as it brings the black face out more as it seems more curved. I like how it is also a portrait, drawing more attention to the illusion.
12) The photographer in this picture has used the material of glitter to make a heart on the models face, I like the choice of model by the photographer as the red glitter makes the blue of her eyes pop. I also like the dark back drop as it brings out her pale complexion, it hits against her skin quite hard and makes her stand out more, making her the focal point.
13) I like how the photographer has chosen to shoot this subject as a close up as it shows the make up in detail, you can see in this image that the make up on her lips is intact a mix of both paint and lip gloss, that differentiate through texture. The paint looking rough and the lip gloss looking smooth.
14) In this image the photographer has also chosen to use the technique of close up which I like as it draws attention to her eye more so than if it was a full body shoot. I like how the dimantes have been used and they are almost the same colour as the eye shadow, making them go well together and look really nice.
15) In this image the photographer has chosen to do a close up/ head shot of model. The photographer has also used form to cause a shadow on the models face , which gives a vibe to the audience that this has been shot outside. This is a nice effect considering the subject of the photo which is a woman covered in petals on her face, this suggests that she is growing as a person.
16) This photo is another photo which seems like an illusion, this is very much like the other one considering the black back drop which makes the illusion stand out more as it blends next to the white. I like the monochrome colouring on this picture. I also like how the painting has been carried on on her neck and it doesn't stop abruptly.
17) This image reminds me of face paint as it seems that a butterfly has been recreated, very much like you would find at a zoo. I also like how the model has been positioned, i like how her black hair fans out and contrasts against her complexion. I also like how quite pale make up has been used on her skin, not making it too bold.
18) In this image I like the use of glitter and I like the amount of the model shown as it illustrates that the use of glitter is consistent. I like the colour of the back drop also as the shimmer stands out against it making it 10x more interesting to look at.
19) In this image I like that it is a close up and seems very symmetrical in terms of the actual lips, it looks very precise. I like the clash of colours and textures also, the yellow looks very sold where the red looks runny like paint, I think this is a very nice effect.
20) in this image the model seems to have been spray painted silver and then had powder paint thrown all over her, I like the subject of her being multicoloured. I don't really like the portraiture of this image I would prefer if this was a close up image.
21) This image is very simple media make up and I really like it, i like the mixture of red and white, and I like that the white is block and not faded. I like how the teardrop is red like blood, which conducts ach
22) This image is very interesting to look at as it shows the extent of what make up can do, showing how a man can be transformed into a woman through the use of make up. I found myself covering up half the face to look at the image and try to believe it, it is a very good demonstration of what make up can do.
23) In this image I like the use of selective colour with the make up as it almost suggests how make up can bring one to life or in fact, colour a life. i like how the colour is drained from her face and that this image is purely of the bottom half of her face as it draws sole attention to her lips and nails, which is the aim of the photo.
24) In this image to model quite evidently has face paint on however i like this as it shows that a character has intended to be created, int his specific matter, a geisha has been created. I like how the photographer has considered the costume and location, it is very appropriate to the character that has been represented.
25) In this image one shade of colour has been applied from the models eyes to her cheeks, I like how in this image the colour stays constant and it blends very well with her complexion. I like how the photographer has chosen a black back drop as it not only makes the model stand out more but the colour of make up as well. I like the framing of this picture and how the photographer has chosen to exclude her hair, as it draws more attention to the make up aspect of this picture.
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