Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Slow Sync Technique Page

What is Slow Sync?
Slow Sync is when you have a sharp image however blurring surrounds it, often from previous movement.

How do I do it?

  1. Use the black backdrop
  2. Set up the red head behind a polystyrene board as the light is very bright and will be too bright
  3. Also set up a polystyrene board in the direction of the camera so the light does not obstruct it
  4. Get the model to stand in front of the camera and do a movement
  5. Change the shutter speed to a long shutter speed (which will appear as a small number) and put the white balance on
  6. Set the camera to rear curtain sync
  7. Take a light reading to make sure the light is balanced
  8. Take your photograph

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