In this animated gif it shows the transformation into a butterfly being put on her face and photoshop has evidently been used to produce a 3d effect for the butterfly. I like how in this gif the position of the camera varies and as the butterfly appears, the camera zooms in. I like how black and white has also been used so the colour of the butterfly doesn't steal attention away from the technique of the animation. This gif also uses slight video .
In this gif it shows a deck of card which illustrates sequence. I like this as i like how the cards are also in various positions. I also think this is nice to watch as I like how more and more hearts keep appearing where they keep it in the same suit. I also like how it is consecutive because the numbers go up in sequence. These pictures have been edited to give them a vintage vibe which i really like.
In this gif it shows a person beginning their surf. This gif is a bit boring however it is a good way of showing an animated gif. The one think I do like about this gif is the waves, you can tell the pictures haven't been taken to far apart from each other which I really like. It looks as if it should be a video however you an tell the pictures have just been taken one after the other very quickly. I don't like how you can tell the camera was shaking because the background wavers.
I love this gif because I like how it shows the process of a dive from start to finish. I also like how the camera follows her slightly, you can tell it does because to begin with you can see the sky and as the animation continues it disappears. I also like how the gifs is focused on her dive and not the aftermath because it does not bother to show too much of the development of the splash.
This gif acts as a timeline to show the process of how they turned a scruffy homeless person into a smart looking business man. I also like how this gifs goes quite quickly as it has a lot of frames, I also like how the last frame lasts for a bit longer than the others as it establishes the finishing product. I intend to do a shoot like this showing the process of my everyday make up.
This animated gif shows the cast of the hit show FRIENDS. It shows each of them twice pulling different poses, this animated gif acts as an establishment shoot. I like how each person is in a different position as it produces more of an establishment. I also like how this is in black and white as they all look quite young in this animation, showing that this show was filmed quite a while ago.
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