Ryan Doco Connors is a portrait photographer whom is inspired by colour, therefore incorporates a lot of colour within his work. He does this through the use of models whom have tattoos and using make up to make a person brighter. His images are quite eye catching and I think he is a brilliant, yet to be discovered, photographer. I chose this photographer because he is one of the few photographers I have found that experiments with face paint and editing to create characters within his work. He also draws focus to his work through the composition of his camera, which really captures his hard work through the make up or the extent of it.
In this photo Connors has used face paint to create a character. I like how he has used a pale background as it brings out the red of the rose and the red surrounding the models eyes. The colours in this photo contrast against each other. I love the make up in this photo as it is quite detailed and represents the holiday of Cinco De Mayo, which translates as Day of the Dead. I also like the form in this picture which to me represents darkness.
This photo has influenced me to consider colour to make a model or a subject more bold, for example, the red against the white here works very well against the white and makes it stand out that much more. This photographer has also influenced me with to consider costume, in this photo the model has no costume on her body however I think this works well as it draws all the attention to the colour of the photo, which is her face and the flower in her hair, which I assume are meant to be the focal points of the image.
In this photo Connors has used editing techniques to produce make up and costume, I like this technique as it changes up what is usually seen. You can tell this photo has been heavily edited but I feel like it is meant to be like this. I like the faded skeleton bone down her chest as it shows where something is meant to be and I think that it works really nicely. I also like the choice of background as the dark backdrop ,ames the model stand out more due to her light skin tone, making her seem very important.
This photo has influenced me to consider using photoshop to edit make up on as one shoot, to change up the continuous use of cosmetics. I think i will face a challenge with this however if you don't try you will never know. This photo has also influenced me to consider the colour that will be clashing against the models skin, it seems better to have loud or dark colours against a light person as it stands out that much more compared to if it was against a person with a darker skin tone.
In this photo Connors has used cosmetics to make the model seem tear stained, which connotes to the idea that she is sad which creates a story for the audience. I like in this picture how the darkness clashes against her light pale skin as the majority of this picture is dark, e.g. her eye make up, her hair, her clothing. I also like in this picture how you cannot see much of the background as it draws more attention to the model. I also like her costume although you can see much of it as it suggests a story in which a person is mourning.
This photo has influenced me to use cosmetics to make a story within my photography work as opposed to simply showing a subject, for example, in this image the run mascara suggests she has been crying, which increases my aspiration to raise questions within my photography work , to create enigma codes within an image. Why has she been crying? What has went wrong? Why does she still seem so strong with her stance? It also builds up a personality for a model in photograph, even though it is just a form of acting.
In this photo I absolutely love the use of costume as to me it shows the idea and story of a fallen angel, this is emphasised with the use of the prosthetic blood, which I really like. I also like the bright purple hair as it clashes against the white dress and almost represents a corruption of purity and innocence. I also like how her eyes have been edited black and I have used this technique previously, however this seems more realistic. I again like the black back drop because the whiteness of her dress and the purple of her hair stand out against it.
This photo has influenced me to consider using costume within my personal shoots to create a better picture and a story to my shoots, for example, in this image the costume suggests that she is mystical, which builds a fantasy story to a beauty photograph. This photo has also influenced me to to consider editing more precisely, for example the pupils, which are black, however they look extremely real where they have been done extremely according to the shape of the eye.
Overall I really like this photographer however he has not done enough work for me to constantly research, i feel as if he is still very unknown due to him being in a field which hasn't quite been identified yet as there isn't a lot of work like it. I like how this photographer is very creepy with his photography as it produces a vibe for an audience, which is a reaction, which is the most important thing. I also like how this photographer is quite indifferent, for example take the last image, he has taken the fallen angel to a new level because he has gave her a nose bleed, loud hair which insinuates rock (which is meant to be associated with the devil), and black eyes which to me suggest possession.
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