Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Masked Work Diary

In this shoot I bought a plain mask with paint and designed it as I wished, I started off just doing flowers and vines, connoting to natural, however in the end I begun yo splash it with colour. I had a deep meaning behind this shoot which is how people use make up for a mask, however this is a literal approach. I found that the mask made my model not look anything like herself which I rely liked as it explained the effect make up can have. What I tried to achieve in this shoot was to send a message that people use make up as a mask to cover who they really are, and as a boost for self esteem. I don't think everyone will understand this however I think some will. What I learnt with this shoot is that I have to take more time planning, for example I wasn't too happy with the shots which I done in this shoot, I found that I ran out of ideas of what to shoot very quickly, therefore I needed to think about it more before going into the studio and wasting mine and my models time. What I would do next after this shoot is learn from my mistakes and to plan ahead of time.

In this image the narrative is almost that the model has given up with having a mask, however it is almost like a white flag from the composition of the photo as she hangs onto it loosely by her legs. I like how the white mask contrasts against the black of her bottoms as it makes it stand out and even though it isn't particularly in the rule of thirds , it is still the focal point of the picture. What I tried to achieve with this image is perceive the message that beauty isn't everything and it is okay to drop your mask, I think I achieved this as I showed this in quite a literal attempt.

In this image I edited this picture so it had selective colour, I kept the majority of the picture black and white and the put the mask in colour, this suggest that this is what brings her to life and I like this narrative. Also it almost acts as if we colour our face with make up which I like. I like the intention of selective colour in this image however I am quite unhappy with the result as the white mask seems to be off white because I have drained every other colour from this image. What I have learnt from this image is to discard anything I am to happy with because it will just annoy me.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots which I could complete in the future, for example I could do a shoot of a clear face mask being peeled off (with close ups of the mask slightly peeling off of the face) as this would suggest more of a growing into your own skin kind of shoot as opposed to a physical mask.

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