Thursday, 9 October 2014

Pure Work Diary

In this shoot I decided to go against my project brief to create a contrast, in this shoot I took pictures with absolutely no make up on and with natural hair. This defies media make up/ beauty photography which I quite like as there is still an element of glamour with the editing. I used a black backdrop which I like as it came out greyish with the lighting and contrasted softly against my hair and simple clothing. In this shoot I took quite simple pictures, nothing too posy, to get the message of my shoot across. 'Pure'. 

In this image the main focus is my hair as I am backwards. I like the use of black and whet in this picture as the blonde and brown in my hair separate from each other quite distinctively. I also like how soft the black and white makes my skin look as it suggest that as a model i choose the pure pathway regularly. I like the composition of this photo as my hair becomes the focal point of the photo.

This is my favourite picture from this shoot as it comes across quite innocent which is another word for pure, or is at least related to it. In this picture I am covering up my face but a smile is evident due to the quint of my eyes which creates a personality in a picture, I come across quite bashful. I took some saturation out this picture which made my hair come out quite light, turned the back drop greyish and made my tan come out, this all worked quite well together. I like how I am on the edge of this photo as to me it represents an idea of trying to hide, which is enforced with the arm in front of my face.

By doing this shoot it has made me think of shoots which I could pursue in the future, for example I could do a shoot of various different girls with no make up on to continue the theme of being pure. i could also do a contrasting shoot showing a girl with a full face of make up on and another girl with absolutely none on to show how different make up can make you, or perhaps even use the same girl to show just how different it can make a person look.

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