I found multiple exposure a very nice technique and very easy once you have the settings of your camera all set up. i like that you can use as many images as wished however I prefer it with just two as with more than 2 and an incorrect composition of subject I feel it can become too much. I prefer doing multiple exposure with a model and a subject as I think it blends better as opposed to 2 subjects or 2 models.
In this image I have took a picture of Amber and then of a flower bush and I personally think it contrasts over her face very nicely. The bushes prickles are very faint on her face however almost seem to create a pattern on them which is very intriguing to look at. I also like the cluster of pink which is a flower which covers her hair as it adds more colour to the photo. I didn't edit this photo very much as I liked the idea of keeping it natural.
In this image I decided to experiment with using 3 images in one image and i think it worked quite nicely purely because of the idea. I simply took 3 pictures of Amber looking in different directions and they all overlapped each other making a nice effect. In this photo I edited it so it was black and white and I feel like this brought a deep feel to the image as to me as an photo it suggest three different personalties in one person or perhaps not knowing which direction to go in, therefore indecisiveness.
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