Pauline Darley is a french photographer who is based in Paris, her main subject is fashion. For inspiration she looks into different kinds of things, for example, film, mythology, history, music etc. Concerning her fashion photography she bases her work on female portraiture and incorporates her influences in her work which is quite evident. I chose to study this photographer because I feel this is one of the very few good photographers that recreates characters within their work and also because she is one of the few photographers I have found that uses face paint utensils to create their photography. However she doesn't just do this, she experiments with ordinary make up and shows their extent through female portraiture.
In this image Pauline Darley has use a mixture of face paint a make up to recreate a skeleton, i really love this photo. I like how there is no costume, or not that we can really see because it keeps attention drawn to the media make up. I like how she isn't also looking at the camera in this picture from the shoot as it shows the extent of the media make up. I like how her hair is up as well as it doesn't cover the make up and again draws attention to it. I like the use of black and white editing as it matches the colours which are predominantly used for the media make up.
This photo has influenced me to consider hair when doing the project of media make up, for example making the hair stand out so that it acts as a part of the beauty or doing it very simple so it doesn't distract the audiences attention from what I want them to see. This photographer has also influenced me to consider my models poses to show the extent of the make up which I have done, not just camera angles, but where the model is actually looking and how I have them standing.
This photo reminds me of the film Finding Nemo and I feel as if Darley got her inspiration for this shoot from this film. I love how the backdrop matches the braces but still stands out against them, I think this is due to how pale her skin has been made. You can tell this is makeup induced due to the colour of her lips. I also like How her hair is wild as it brings a childish air to the photo. To me this photos story is as if Darla ( the character from Finding Nemo) has grown up. I like the costume in this picture as well as due to the colour it reminds me of innocence which also adds to the idea of this being a grown up Darla.
This photo has influenced me to use films to influence for me shoots, for example, looking at the joker from Batman or even looking what are cartoon characters and resting them into real life, I could experiment with disney and do characters such as the Cheshire cat. This image has also influenced me to consider costume to create a character, for example, the white in this image to me suggests innocence, which is also related to a childhood which is where this films comes from for me personally, so it links really nicely.
In this photo Darley has used Festa from The Addams Family as an inspiration, She did a whole shoot of this and reconstructed all of the characters. I looked at this entire sheet and I loved it all. I really like the pose that the model is pulling in this as it fits with the character of Festa so it works as a perfect reconstruction. I also like how this picture has been put in black and white as it suggests how old this film is and also it describes the Addams family very well as black and white was their dominant colours. Also due to the only colours in this shoot being black and white, the black an white emphasises this as it comes out solid.
This photo has influenced me to use a select few colours for my shoots as opposed to many, for example when doing the make up and costume for the shoot, not over complicating it sometimes but only using two colours which continues within both the costume and the make up. This photo also influences me to consider facial expressions to make a story within my images and elaborate on the character made, for example, in this image it is obviously Festa from The Addams Family.
In this photo Darley has focused on make up, i love this picture because i love the mix of the models complexion with the different make up. I also like how form has formed around her face, forming a shadowed effect on the top of her face slightly. This produces a hidden kind of effect to me. I also like how her lipstick is the same colour as the back drop, and the way her complexion bounces of the back drop in certain parts of the picture. I like the composition of the picture and that the photo focuses on the make up of the model.
This picture has influenced me to consider composition of the model and the zoom of the camera so I can get exactly what I want the audience to see in my image, it has also influenced me to be more precise and less sloppy with the make up as it can turn out perfect looking no matter what extent of difficulty it is. The make up on this image must have taken a long time in order for the silver to stand out on skin, therefore it teaches me to spend more time on the makeup.
Overall I really like this photographer as I think she is quite original and I like how she uses other media products to influence her photography, I think I will incorporate this in my work as i think it can really help me with the face paint side of things and the development of a character. I also really like how she focuses on face paint as I have found it very hard to find photographers that are in the field of beauty photography that use face paint. despite the use of her face pant she also uses make up as well therefore i think she is a photographer that would really help me with my project, I think looking at her work has really aided me in my work because her work is very similar to what I wish to reach to in my project.
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