Friday, 24 October 2014

Video Work Diary

In this lesson we had to make a video of anything just to demonstrate that we could do it, the only criteria being that it should be arty. I really like creating this video I thought it was really fun, I used a friend and made it sort of a montage for a song. I enjoyed the editing as the most part because I like watching it all come together. I think video and photography is very similar in the sense that you shoot and then edit, however it is also similar in the sense that they create stories, which i like. The video shows the story in more of a normal way, conventional way and it comes across more obvious to the audience. I would definitely use video in my personal project.

In this video the filming was not scripted, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I like this as it comes across more natural as opposed to if I had staged the whole thing. I like the style of this video as it is like a bunch of home videos put together that work well together and show happiness. The use of the song in the background worked really well in the video as it fit with the mood of the video, I based my idea for the video around the song. Editing was very easy with the use of premiere pro, I could easily cut bits of clips out, I could put in effects which made the video flow from shot to shot a lot better, I could attach the music which assists the video, etc. I found premiere pro very easy to use, even though I have used it before and I know what I'm doing, I think its very good.

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